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Artificial Intelligence

AI technology expected to boost economic growth in India: Report



Recent reports indicate that a significant majority of Indians, approximately 89%, perceive Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology as pivotal for integrating traditionally marginalised groups into the economy. This perspective aligns with global sentiments among 76% of business and government leaders who foresee AI playing a crucial role in advancing societal impact and sustainability goals.

According to Michele Malejki, HP’s Global Head of Social Impact and Director of HP Foundation, technology serves as a potent equaliser and catalyst for progress. HP is set to bolster this belief by integrating AI training into its HP LIFE program. This initiative aims to equip individuals worldwide, including in India, with essential digital business skills, offered free of cost. HP’s commitment extends further with plans to introduce next-generation AI PCs tailored for enhanced productivity and creativity.

The HP LIFE programme, which has already enrolled over 1.2 million users globally since 2016, is part of a broader strategy to bridge the digital divide and empower individuals to pursue job opportunities and entrepreneurial ventures.

Moreover, the expansion of Starlink’s satellite internet service into 100 countries, including Sierra Leone, signifies a global push towards greater connectivity, potentially bolstering access to AI technologies in remote and underserved regions.

In India, the optimism surrounding AI’s economic impact is underscored by initiatives like HP’s, which aim not only to deploy advanced technologies but also to ensure they are harnessed responsibly and inclusively. As AI continues to evolve, its role in driving economic growth and social equity appears increasingly promising, fostering a landscape where technological innovation meets societal advancement.

These developments underscore a growing recognition of AI’s transformative potential, positioning India and other global communities to harness technology for sustainable development and economic empowerment.
