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Unleash the most powerful instrument in the world



By Nanditha Vinod Nambiar

There are numerous instruments in the world, such as the guitar, violin, flute and piano which bring immense joy and music to our lives. However, the most powerful instrument in the world is our voice. Our voice holds the power to make all the difference.  It can start a war, foster harmony, or serve as a source of inspiration for millions.

Humans are the only species on Earth who have managed to master speech. Hence, language is a vital part of human development. It helps us to represent our thoughts, views, and feelings. Every individual possesses a voice, but it is those who use it that truly make a lasting impact. This includes our nation’s leaders, freedom fighters, public speakers, celebrities, singers, and countless others.  Conversely, those who remain silent are left unheard, exemplified by the many women worldwide who are afraid to express their opinions.  

Hence, it is our duty to make sure that every human being, irrespective of their race, gender, caste or origin, is empowered   to raise their voice, and make an impact on our conventional society.

As Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, once said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world”. True greatness for humans is not achieved solely through material success but by transforming the world’s perception and our own self-image. Only then may we, just maybe, use our voice for the greater good.
