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Science Made Easy: ‘Eliminate distractions while studying’

A science educator advises starting exam preparation early as it frees up time for thorough revision



In India, where academic competition is intense, starting exam preparation early is a strategic approach that not only improves academic performance but also nurtures holistic development and confidence among students. However, some students may opine that it is still early days – exams are still a couple of months away. There is an adage: Early bird catches the worm. In other words, there are several advantages associated with preparing for the exams from now.

Starting early enables students to cover the syllabus systematically, giving them a better grasp of each topic. Regular revision becomes more manageable, reinforcing learning and improving long-term retention. Early preparation instills effective time management skills, a valuable asset during exams and in future endeavours. Students can allocate time wisely, ensuring a comprehensive review of all topics. But a burning question is: From to start and how to start?

Head of the Science Department – Sukhvinder Kaur – at Apeejay School, Mahavir Marg, who has been teaching for the last 33 years and is a three-time gold medalist at the university opines that it is necessary to start preparing for the exams early. She advises students to be regular with their studies from the time they come to a new class. “I always tell my students to be updated with whatever has been taught in the class daily. This frees up the time for revision,” Sukhvinder said and added that it is still not too late to start exam preparations, especially when it comes to a subject like science.

·         Eliminate distractions during studying and exams.

·         Avoid multitasking, similar to having too many folders open on a computer.

·         Maintain a dedicated and focused approach to enhance learning efficiency.

“It has been found that students don’t focus on just their studies. Many students will listen to music and have their mobile next to them to look at notifications while studying. This is a no-no. While studying, you should only concentrate on the topic at hand,” Sukhvinder said and likened the brain to a computer, where excessive input may hinder proper storage.

“Learning with focus ensures natural and effective information retention. Just like in a computer, if you overload, after some time, it if crash. The brain functions similarly. Whatever, you may have learnt will be easily forgotten and there is a possibility your brain will go blank on the exam day,” Sukhvinder warned and shared the following ways to study.

·         Mnemonics is a great way to learn certain things like the names of the elements in Chemistry. It helps organise information and improve recall during exams.

·         It is important to practice derivations and numerical problems.

·         Checking and understanding concepts in a step-by-step manner builds confidence. Ask the teacher in case of any doubts.

·         It is necessary to create a timetable for efficient exam preparation. Divide study sessions and allocate time for revision to ensure thorough understanding. Parents should support their children in maintaining a consistent study routine.

·         Maintain records of assignments, tests, and mistakes made during exams. Regularly review mistakes to avoid repetition and improve performance.

“It is very important that the students go through the question papers of the last few years. If they are taking the Board exams, they must go through the last 10 years of the questions. It is just as important to read all the notes that were given in the class and thoroughly revise the questions. If there are any mistakes made, understand it and make sure not to make the same mistake,” Sukhvinder said.

·         Students must adopt a healthy lifestyle, including proper sleep and nutrition. It is important to meditate to manage stress; meditation also improves focus during exams.

·         A very important aspect of exam preparation is to note down or underline the keywords for any topic. Well-organised notes and keywords aid in better understanding and revision before exams.

Shalini is an Executive Editor with Apeejay Newsroom. With a PG Diploma in Business Management and Industrial Administration and an MA in Mass Communication, she was a former Associate Editor with News9live. She has worked on varied topics - from news-based to feature articles.
