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How Indian women are striking a balance between health and professional success

Navigate the intersection of health and professional triumph in the modern Indian woman’s journey



In the dynamic landscape of modern India, women are making significant strides in various professional fields. As more Indian women break barriers and take on diverse roles in the workforce, the intersection of health and professional success becomes a pivotal aspect of their journey. Striking a delicate balance between health and career is emerging as a critical factor influencing not just individual well-being but also the overall trajectory of women’s professional lives.

The health-work nexus:

A woman’s health is intricately connected to her professional success. In a society where women often play multifaceted roles, managing health effectively becomes a cornerstone for achieving career goals. Physical well-being lays the foundation for sustained productivity, resilience, and the ability to navigate the challenges of a competitive professional environment.

Mudita Raj, Assistant Professor at Apeejay Institute of Mass Communication Dwarka, Delhi, says, “Managing professional life and health is an act of balance and requires both self-discipline and motivation.”

Mental health matters:

Beyond physical health, mental well-being is gaining prominence in discussions surrounding professional success. The demanding nature of careers, coupled with societal expectations, can take a toll on mental health. Addressing stress, anxiety, and burnout is essential for women to perform optimally in their roles. Employers, too, are recognising the importance of fostering a workplace culture that promotes mental well-being.

Work-life integration:

The concept of work-life balance is evolving into work-life integration, acknowledging that these aspects are not mutually exclusive. Achieving a harmonious blend of professional and personal life is crucial for sustained success. Flexible work hours, remote work options, and supportive corporate policies contribute to creating an environment where women can manage both their health and careers effectively.

The role of preventive healthcare:

Prioritising health is not just about addressing issues when they arise but also adopting a proactive approach through preventive healthcare. Regular health check-ups, wellness programs, and lifestyle management play a pivotal role in averting potential health challenges that could derail professional journeys.

Dr. RR Rajan Chaudhary, Dean and Assistant Professor at the School of Management, Apeejay Institute of Management & Engineering Technical Campus (AIMTEC), Jalandhar, expresses, “Balancing professional life and personal health is crucial for overall well-being. As a working female, I try to find balance by following some strategies. I set priorities and boundaries for work and personal time. I prefer to plan my day or week in advance for different tasks. Understanding that physical activity contributes to both physical and mental well-being, I prioritise regular exercise. I also take care of healthy eating. Since stress is inevitable, I incorporate meditation into my routine to cope with it at both home and the office. Additionally, I prioritise getting sound sleep. I delegate or ask for help as needed. Recognising that health is wealth, I go for regular health check-ups. When work ends, I try to give my best to my family. Finding the right balance is a personal journey and may require adjustments over time. It’s important to regularly reassess your priorities and make necessary changes to maintain a healthy equilibrium between your professional life and personal well-being.”

Breaking stigmas:

In the Indian context, societal stigmas around women’s health can pose challenges. Open conversations, awareness campaigns, and policy advocacy are essential in breaking these stigmas. By fostering an environment that normalises discussions around women’s health, workplaces can contribute significantly to the well-being of their female workforce.

Supportive ecosystems:

Creating supportive ecosystems is vital for women to thrive both in their health and professional pursuits. This involves not only workplace policies but also support from family, friends, and communities. Recognising and valuing the contributions of women in all spheres of life is instrumental in fostering an inclusive and supportive ecosystem.

Empowerment through education:

Education plays a transformative role in empowering women to take charge of their health. By promoting health literacy and providing resources for self-care, educational institutions and workplaces can empower women to make informed decisions about their well-being.

In conclusion, the link between health and professional success for Indian women is a dynamic and evolving narrative. Recognising the interdependence of these aspects is essential for creating a workforce that is not only productive but also fulfilled. As Indian women continue to excel in diverse fields, nurturing a holistic approach to health and career will pave the way for a more inclusive and prosperous future. Striking this delicate balance is not just a personal triumph but a collective step toward reshaping societal norms and fostering a culture of well-being and success for all. 

Divya is a Correspondent at Apeejay Newsroom. She has a degree of Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication. She was a former sub-editor at News 24. Her passion for writing has always contributed to her professional and personal growth.
