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Book Review

Exploring the world’s most famous orphan’s tale

You must have read Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens with the abridged version in your syllabus. But now it’s time to explore the novel for its genius as a literary piece



Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens stands as a timeless tale of resilience and pursuit of justice. Set against the backdrop of 19th-century London, the novel follows the journey of Oliver, an orphan who endures a series of hardships and encounters with a colorful cast of characters. From his life in the workhouse to his entry into the criminal underworld, Oliver’s trials and triumphs captivate readers, leaving them eager to discover the secrets that lie within the pages of this literary masterpiece.

Let us understand the social context of the novel

Dickens expertly paints a vivid picture of the harsh realities of Victorian society, shedding light on the stark divide between the rich and the poor. Through Oliver’s experiences, readers are exposed to the cruel treatment of orphans, the corruption within the workhouses, and the criminal underbelly of London. Dickens’ social commentary on poverty, injustice, and the plight of the marginalized remains relevant even in the modern age, reminding us of the importance of compassion and advocating for societal change.

Enduring Relevance in the Modern Age Despite being set in a different era

Oliver Twist carries a universal message that resonates with contemporary readers. Themes of inequality, the exploitation of vulnerable individuals, and the power of hope and resilience continue to find echoes in our world today. Dickens’ portrayal of societal issues and his call for reform still serve as a reminder that the fight for justice and equality is an ongoing endeavour.

 From Page to Screen: Movie Adaptations

Oliver Twist has inspired numerous film adaptations that have brought Dickens’ vivid characters to life on the silver screen. From the iconic 1948 film directed by David Lean to more recent adaptations, such as Roman Polanski’s 2005 version, the story has endured the test of time. These adaptations not only introduce new audiences to Oliver’s tale but also provide a visual interpretation of Dickens’ atmospheric settings and the intricate web of relationships among the characters.

Unforgettable Characters

One of the strengths of this novel lies in the memorable characters that populate the pages of the novel. From the kind-hearted Mr. Brownlow to the conniving Fagin, Dickens crafts a diverse range of personalities that leave a lasting impression. Oliver’s innocence and resilience make him a relatable and endearing protagonist, while characters like the Artful Dodger and Nancy add depth and complexity to the narrative. These well-drawn characters showcase the best and worst of humanity, ensuring their place in literary history.

What makes this book so special?

Oliver Twist is a timeless work that continues to captivate readers with its gripping plot, social commentary, and unforgettable characters. Dickens’ exploration of societal issues and his ability to illuminate the human condition make the novel relevant even in the modern age. Through its various movie adaptations, the story has reached wider audiences, further cementing its place in popular culture. Whether one is drawn to the twists and turns of the plot, the historical context, or the fascinating characters, “Oliver Twist” remains an essential read that leaves an indelible mark on the literary landscape.

A talented correspondent writing special articles, interviews and also doing video coverages. Alongside being a poet, short story writer and football player in the time he finds away from work. You can read Arijit's literary pieces and watch his performances easily on the internet. He can be reached at [email protected] and [email protected]

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