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Artificial Intelligence

Exploring AI, Deepfakes, but ensure online safety



Dad: Can you please stop this? The whole day you are on your phone. Can you please pick up your books and study? Exams are coming, Sachin.

Sachin: Dad, just 5 minutes more. I promise I will go and study.

Father (thinking in his mind): This is just like every other household story – children are engaged in gadgets and parents are trying to stop them from playing games. Should I?

Sachin: Dad, do you know today most of the people are using AI, which is a good way of learning.

Dad: Son, see, a coin has 2 sides which means if something has a positive side, it must have a negative side. See my child, today deepfake is very famous for creating videos and pictures for informative motive and entertainment purposes. But people use it in a negative way as well.

Dad: I am just teaching you both the negative and positive sides of AI. Be safe from AI. You must have seen on the news that people blackmail through these pictures.

Daughter: Dad, I was just thinking the same. Why shouldn’t the government ban these applications?

Mom: I will tell you. See, people use it for entertainment purposes also. People work in this field their whole lives, and assuming this is the future, people are working on this and this field is growing too much. Not like your father who is only growing by his weight. If the government bans these applications, people will lose their interest in this field, and due to this, this field will crash and lead other sites and apps to crash. Today, people are threatened because of pictures and videos. Let’s see how they solve this problem! Being safe is the most important priority. People get exploited due to this and are threatened.

Daughter: People are scared of reporting this to the police and pay a huge amount for this!

Sachin: But you should not be scared of this and report it to cyber-crime immediately.

Dad: There is a line “Jo Darr Gaya Woh Ghar Gaya”, but you shouldn’t. Some numbers are good, call 112 or 100 for helpline.

Sachin: Mom, what else can we do?

Mom: We should be aware of things that are happening to us. We should not use any illegal websites, nor send any of our pictures to anyone. Because some pictures can change your life.

(Son’s besties arrive)

Sachin’s friend: Bro, let’s play online games and meet people online.

Sachin: Bro, we should be aware and alert from now on because…

Sachin’s friend: Because some pictures can change our lives and some numbers are good.

Sachin: You know already about this.

Sachin’s friend: Yes, of course.

Sachin’s friend (coming forward): Do you know…

Outsmarting parents, children are exploring a dark space online. The risks are perilous. Younger kids with a device of their own, connected to the internet, are at risk of digital addiction. In extreme cases, kids can cause self-harm and display psychotic behaviour.

Today Pegasus software, which is the most dangerous application for hacking without knowing, is not safe for us. Please be safe and Alert. is a website that stops this exploitation, and if someone posts these types of pictures, you can delete the picture from all platforms.
