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Apeejay students publish a research paper on “Euthanasia”

Harsh Sah, who co-authored this research paper with batchmate Archita Ranjan, explains the journey behind this endeavour



Passion, curiosity, eye for details, critical analysis are some of the key skills one needs to possess as a researcher. And Harsh Sah, a fourth-year student at Apeejay Stya University (ASU), is one such budding researcher, who possesses these innate skills within him. Currently pursuing an Integrated M. Tech Biotechnology degree from the School of Biosciences in ASU, Harsh co-authored a research publication on Euthanasia: A Fundamental Right  with  one of his batchmates Archita Ranjan. 

Archita, who is pursuing B.A. LL.B from Apeejay Stya University, holds massive interest in conducting research on topics like Human Rights, civil and criminal law, thereby aspiring to bring changes in society through her research.

The Apeejay students research chapter has been published in the 1st edition of the KAAV Publications. Further, the research chapter has also received the International Standard Book Number, a numeric commercial book identifier that is intended to be unique.

For Harsh, this isn’t the only paper he has authored. During his first year, he published a research paper on The role of the Hippo Pathway in Breast Cancer in the Journal of Current Oncology. Additionally, the Apeejay student has completed his internship at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. In addition, Harsh has a keen interest in subjects such as Bioethics, Regulatory Affairs, and Medical Laws. 

During this interview, Harsh explains why he picked this topic for his research publication and the journey so far. Read edited excerpts: 

Why did you pick this topic of euthanasia for your research study?

Well! We firmly believe that teachers help to teach the rules, but winners tend to make the rule. And this cannot be possible if we do not have knowledge of traditional rules and regulations.

In the case of euthanasia, which has been one of the most historical long-term bioethical and legal debatable topics, we have tried to come-up with a reasonable solution to overcome the issue of administering euthanasia in accordance with legal and ethical manner. 

Tell us about your journey of pursuing/writing this research paper? How did you start, collect data, how long was the entire process? 

The journey of pursuing/writing this research paper started with a problem statement, which states that, “If we have the right to life with liberty, why do we not have the right to die with dignity?”

And this is the question we have tried to answer through our publication, with the history, types, and arguments related to the right to euthanasia as a fundamental right in view of the ethical, moral, and legal principles/perspectives. Exploring critical bioethical, regulatory, and legal dimensions, this work is a testament to our commitment to advancing understanding in this vital field. 

Share two of your key findings via this research?

The two key findings via this research are:

Firstly, we concluded that euthanasia should be a fundamental human right that acknowledges the importance of preserving an individual’s dignity. It is a profound journey that tests our resilience, challenges our beliefs, and confronts us with the essence of our humanity.

Secondly, we have talked about the future direction of euthanasia, which will be shaped by global perspectives, international collaboration, compassion, empathy, and respect for individual autonomy. Advances in medical technology, mental health support, and ethical considerations will guide the development of comprehensive legal frameworks. 

Given the seriousness of this topic, how did you keep yourself motivated to complete this research journey?

Euthanasia has been a topic of intense debate for many years, with questions revolving around whether it should be considered a fundamental right or a practice that undermines the sanctity of human life. The topic itself was an endless motivation as it led us to conducting extensive research until we find an appropriate and reasonable method of its implementation. The unresolved questions and the potential to contribute to the ongoing discourse in bioethics have served as a constant source of inspiration to delve deeper into this research journey.

4 things you kept in mind while writing this research paper

  1. Summarised the historical facts, arguments, ethical, moral and legal aspects related to this topic 
  2. Provided a comparative and analytical study of legalisation regarding euthanasia in India with respect to foreign countries
  3. Traced historical roots of euthanasia, from the 16th century when Thomas Morus proposed the idea that patients enduring immense suffering with no hope of a cure should be persuaded to embrace death till the legalisation of passive euthanasia in 2018, by the honourable Supreme Court of India.
  4. Furthermore, we also discussed the legal status of euthanasia in other countries, like Belgium, Netherlands, United States, etc. 

What are your future aspirations?

Our future aspirations always come from our professors because they enlighten us the path for our betterment and upliftment. Yet, our future aspirations are multifaceted, but they all center around personal growth, contribution to society, and archiving a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Harshita is Assistant Editor at Apeejay Newsroom. With experience in both the Media and Public Relations (PR) world, she has worked with Careers360, India Today and Value360 Communications. A learner by nature, she is a foodie, traveller and believes in having a healthy work-life balance.
