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‘The school’s emphasis on building leadership skill is preparing my child for future challenges’

Parent of an Apeejay School, Kharghar student shares how her daughter is evolving in the school



At Apeejay School, Kharghar, students are nurtured to excel not just academically but in various spheres of life. To understand the impact of this holistic education, Apeejay Newsroom had a conversation with Mrs. Singh, the mother of Aditi Singh, a multi-talented 10th grader at the school. Mrs. Singh shares her experiences and the reasons why Apeejay has been a pivotal choice for Aditi’s growth, along with some insights about her younger daughter, Agrata. Read edited excerpts:

What made you choose Apeejay School for Aditi?

When we moved to Navi Mumbai from Thane, I knew Apeejay was one of the best CBSE schools here. Being a CBSE student myself, I wanted the same for Aditi. From nursery to now, Apeejay has been our only choice, and it has been the best decision for her overall development.

How has Aditi evolved since joining Apeejay?

Aditi has become very confident and well-rounded. The school offers so many opportunities. She won the Piyasha Baroi Memorial Award in 5th grade for being an all-rounder. She excels in academics, sports, dance, and even in speech and quiz competitions. The supportive environment at Apeejay has played a crucial role in her development.

Can you share some of Aditi’s achievements?

Certainly! Aditi has completed her Bharatanatyam course and even performed her Arangetram. She’s a black belt in Taekwondo and represents the school in state-level competitions. Academically, she consistently scores above 90%. She’s also a school leader, having been the house captain twice and the English student editor in 9th grade.

How has the school supported her interests and talents?

Apeejay has been incredible. The teachers are very supportive and approachable. They encourage students to participate in various activities. For example, during the annual day, Aditi played a challenging role as Betal in a school skit. Initially hesitant, the teachers’ motivation helped her perform brilliantly. This kind of encouragement has been a constant.

What are Aditi’s future plans and how is Apeejay supporting them?

Aditi is considering the National Defence Academy (NDA), though we are yet to decide due to some medical concerns. Apeejay is very supportive, especially her sports teacher, who encourages her consistently. The school’s emphasis on speech and leadership through activities like MUN is helping her prepare for future challenges.

What distinguishes Apeejay from other schools?

Apeejay focuses on the overall development of students, not just academics. They offer a balanced approach with equal importance to sports, arts, and co-curricular activities. Even during the lockdown, their online education was comprehensive. The school’s environment is very supportive, which is crucial for a child’s growth.

How is Aditi’s relationship with her teachers and peers?

Aditi is very close to her teachers and respects them deeply. She’s comfortable reaching out to them with any doubts, whether via WhatsApp, calls, or in person. This bond has been instrumental in her growth. She’s also very empathetic and helpful, often assisting her classmates and juniors.

How does Aditi balance her activities and academics?
Aditi is very disciplined and manages her time well. She does self-study and relies on her school lessons without needing extra tuition. Her hard work and the school’s supportive environment enable her to excel in multiple areas simultaneously.

Could you tell us a bit about your younger daughter, Agrata, and her experience at Apeejay?

Agrata is in 5th grade at Apeejay, and like her sister, she started here from nursery. Although she missed two years due to the lockdown, she is catching up well. She looks up to Aditi and tries to emulate her. Agrata is developing her own talents and interests, supported by the same nurturing environment. She participates in various activities and is learning to balance academics with extracurriculars, inspired by her sister’s example.

Any final thoughts on Apeejay?

Apeejay has been a second home for both Aditi and Agrata. The school’s dedication to overall development, supportive teachers, and the positive environment have been crucial. Aditi’s journey at Apeejay has been remarkable, and I’m confident Agrata will have the same enriching experience.

Meet Mahima, a Correspondent at Apeejay Newsroom, and a seasoned writer with gigs at NDTV, News18, and SheThePeople. When she is not penning stories, she is surfing the web, dancing like nobody's watching, or lost in the pages of a good book. You can reach out to her at [email protected]
