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HE Mr Cedrick C Crowley, Acting High Commissioner, South African Embassy in India, stresses the importance of balance and personal contribution in achieving success

Apeejay School International, Panchsheel Park celebrates its graduation ceremony for the Class of 2024



Graduation ceremonies are pivotal moments that mark both an ending and a beginning, and the celebration at Apeejay School International in Panchsheel Park was no exception. On this special evening, the school honoured the Class of 2024, with a focus on the graduating DP-2 (Class XII) students. The auditorium was transformed into a vibrant tapestry of celebration, adorned with whimsical graduation cap props, colourful blooms, and proud banners emblazoned with ‘Class of 2024’.

The event was attended by a distinguished group of guests, HE Mr Cedrick C Crowley, Acting High Commissioner from the Embassy of South Africa in India, was the Chief Guest. The Guest of Honour was Mr Yahya Aldughaishi, Counsellor at the Sultanate of Oman Embassy in New Delhi, alongside Dr VS Garg, Education Officer, and principals from affiliated schools. The students welcomed these honoured visitors with a traditional tilak ceremony and presented them with exquisite bouquets, creating an atmosphere of respect and celebration.

Mrs Sushma Paul Berlia, Chairman of the Apeejay Stya & Svran Group, Chancellor of Apeejay Stya University, and Chairman of Apeejay Education, also participated in the event virtually.

The ceremony began with the symbolic lighting of the lamp, carried out by the students, the Chief Guest, and the Principal, signalling the start of an exciting new chapter. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as Ms Dakshita Singh, the school’s English facilitator, delivered a stirring and eloquent welcome speech that perfectly set the tone for the evening’s events.

Principal Mr Purshottam Dutt Vashist then took the stage to officially welcome the dignitaries with a special “green welcome,” emphasising environmental consciousness. A particularly moving part of the evening was the screening of a tribute video dedicated to the Founder-Chairman, Dr Stya Paul. The video offered a poignant look at his remarkable life and achievements, deeply moving the audience and vividly bringing to life his enduring legacy.

Chief GuestHE Mr Cedrick C Crowley

Speaking at the ceremony HE Crowley said: “I am delighted to be here at this very beautiful school. I had an opportunity to speak at the University of New Zealand and inspired the youth, I hope I can inspire some here as well. I am honoured to meet the Principal, the teachers, and the very talented Aahana Mathur, a student of PYP-4. The favourite part was to see how these young kids were able to sing so well,” he shared and added that the beautiful songs caught his attention as he too comes from a classical background.

“Nearly two years ago, on May 18, I began documenting findings that were significant to today’s celebration, and the anticipation has been building ever since. This country, the land of Mahatma Gandhi, holds a special place in history and my heart. I was drawn to India because of the deep respect my country has for its role in the global struggle against colonialism. The way Mahatma Gandhi championed this cause is truly commendable. I also salute Nelson Mandela for his strategic collaborations and resilience in overcoming great odds.

“During my first visit, which was to explore these strategic collaborations, I was initially cautious, and aware of the pressures faced by influential Indian leaders. However, as I learned more about the culture, particularly through Sanskrit, I embraced the philosophy of “One world, One Country, One Nation,” he shared.

“Now, in 2024, we celebrate years of freedom and democracy. With elections approaching, every citizen must recognise the importance of their vote — some take this privilege for granted, while others see it as crucial. The struggle against injustice and oppression continues worldwide. The stories of leaders like Dr Stya Paul, our chairman, inspire us to believe that anything is possible. He embodied the ethos of ‘Soaring High is my Nature,” HE said.

Take, for example, her said of Mark Alan, an educated counsellor who dedicated his knowledge to humanity, much like Dr Stya Paul has empowered both girls and boys to be exemplary societal figures.

“Today, we celebrate the balance achieved through your contributions. To all the graduates, whether you’re in industry, science, technology, or health, you are the leaders India and the world need. Strive not only to gain knowledge but to master the skills that will further your development.

“Nelson Mandela once said that education is the key to personal development. It allows anyone, regardless of background, to achieve great things. It’s not what we are given that defines us, but what we do with what we have. So, thank you all for welcoming me here. I wish you all the best. May you all soar as high as you aspire,” HE said.

Guest of Honour-Mr Yahya Aldughaishi

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Aldughaishi said: “Dear students, teachers, and parents, I am grateful to Madam Sushma Paul Berlia, and to the Principal for inviting me to this significant event. I also want to thank Mr Nishant Berlia, Core Board Member Apeejay Stya and Svran Group and Pro-Chancellor, Apeejay Stya University, Mr Aditya Berlia, Core Board Member of Apeejay Stya and Svran Group and Pro-Chancellor of Apeejay Stya University, and Dr Neha Berlia, Owner and Core Board Member of Apeejay Stya & Svran Group Group and Pro-Chancellor of Apeejay Stya University, for their leadership and substantial contributions to the growth of their organisations. Their vision and dedication have not only propelled their companies forward but have also positively impacted their industries. I appreciate their commitment to excellence and innovation.

“I am honoured to celebrate the 2024 school graduates. This graduation marks not only the completion of an important chapter in your life but also the beginning of new adventures. It reflects your hard work, dedication, and perseverance throughout your high school years,” he shared and added that graduating from high school is a significant achievement, attained through commitment and focus.  

“As you move forward, I encourage you to continue pushing beyond your comfort zone, embrace new experiences with an open mind and a positive outlook, and remain curious. Always remember, education is a lifelong journey with endless growth opportunities,” Mr Aldughaishi said.

Chairman of the Apeejay Stya & Svran Group-Mrs Sushma Paul Berlia

Speaking virtually, Mrs Sushma Paul Berlia said that it is an honour to welcome our esteemed guests – HE Mr Cedrick C Crowley, Acting High Commissioner of the Embassy of South Africa in India, and Mr Yahya Aldughaishi, Counsellor of the Sultanate of Oman Embassy, New Delhi

“Your presence today highlights the unity of the human spirit amidst the diversity we see around us. I extend my heartfelt greetings to the graduating class of 2024, the dedicated teachers, and our principal, who have all contributed so much to make this special day possible” says Mrs Sushma Paul Berlia shared.

“Today, is also a momentous occasion for our young PYP graduates who are all set to embark on a new adventure entering into MYP. Congratulations to all of them as well. Let me recount a story. Many decades ago, imagine a little boy in a small city, walking to school with crutches, climbing steep steps. Despite these challenges, he was determined to learn. This boy lost his mother at a young age, had seven siblings, and studied by lantern light because his family couldn’t afford electricity. He loved life and even played as a goalkeeper for the school hockey team, using his crutches to block goals.

“Despite these hardships, he excelled in mathematics, earning his master’s degree and a gold medal in Punjab. He dreamt of teaching but was refused because of his physical challenges. Undeterred, he joined the family business of making buckets and eventually became a successful industrialist. This man was Dr Stya Paul, the founder of Apeejay Education ” Mrs Berlia said.

Dr Stya Paul was not just an industrialist and philanthropist, she said but he deeply believed in the transformative power of education. His vision was to create an environment where young minds could thrive and contribute to society.  This vision led to the establishment of the Apeejay Education Society in 1967 and the creation of numerous institutions, including Apeejay School International.

“Today, we honour his enduring legacy. Dr Stya Paul’s journey is a testament to the values of determination, discipline, and the importance of education. As you, the class of 2024, prepare to leave this school and embark on new journeys, I urge you to carry these values with you. The world you are entering is one of constant change, but the principles that guided Dr Stya Paul can guide you as well.

“Remember, we cannot control our circumstances, but we can control our reactions to them. Decide to be happy and successful, and both are within your reach. Dr Stya Paul believed in equality and empowered everyone around him. His belief that there is no difference between what boys and girls can achieve is why I stand before you today. As you step out into the world, remember that true happiness comes not from material possessions but from striving for excellence and making meaningful contributions. Reflect deeply on what makes you truly happy and pursue it with determination,” Mrs Berlia said.

Apeejay Education Society was founded with the mission of holistic education — nurturing the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of every child. This approach is deeply rooted in human values that remain constant across time and cultures: integrity, resilience, compassion, and excellence.

“Apeejay School International offers a unique and comprehensive approach to learning. We emphasise critical thinking, inquiry-based learning, and a global perspective, all while grounding our education in strong ethical values. Our rigorous curriculum fosters creativity, curiosity, and independence, preparing our students to tackle complex problems with confidence and empathy.

“As the school opens its doors for the new academic year, we are excited to introduce new developments on campus. We will have a state-of-the-art AI robotics lab, a dedicated junior school science lab, and a dance and wellness centre. These facilities will enrich the learning experience and provide opportunities for exploration and innovation,” she shared and added that the continuity of Dr Stya Paul’s vision and mission is evident in the success of our students.

“As you, the graduating class of 2024, leave us, remember that you are always part of the Apeejay family. Our joy in your success will be complete only if you remain individuals of character and integrity. Integrity means aligning your thoughts, words, and actions in harmony. Now, I request the graduating class of 2024 to close your eyes for 30 seconds. Think of all the people who have supported you – your parents, mentors, siblings, friends, teachers, and guides.

“Offer them your heartfelt thanks and a promise to continue making them proud in all your future endeavours. I would like to end with a couplet that inspired our school motto, “Soaring High.” This couplet, often recited by Dr Stya Paul, who was also a freedom fighter, encapsulates our aspirations: “You are an eagle. Soaring high is your nature. There are skies yet for you to conquer. Thank you, and wishing you all a wonderful day and a bright future ahead,” Mrs Berlia said.

Principal of Apeejay School International, Panchsheel Park-Mr Purshottam Dutt Vashist

“This evening marks a significant milestone in the history of Apeejay School International, as we gather to celebrate the graduation of the third batch of diploma students,” Mr Vashist, Principal of the school said and welcomed and honoured the Chief Guest, Guest of Honour, Education Officer, dignitaries, parents, and all other staff members.

“Today, we celebrate not only the achievements of our graduating students but also the enduring legacy of our Founder Chairman, Dr Stya Paul whose visionary leadership continues to inspire us as we strive for excellence in education on a global scale. We are privileged to have Mrs Sushma Paul Berlia, carrying forward Dr Paul’s legacy with unwavering dedication.

“I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Dr Neha Berlia for her invaluable support and leadership. The contributions of Mr Nishant Berlia and Mr Aditya Berlia have been instrumental in shaping the success of the school.”

“Each graduate seated here around us embodies this profound truth. And if they stand on the threshold of education filled with endless possibilities, all made possible through the transformative power of education, we salute them,” Ms Dakshita said.

The ceremony proceeded as the Vice-Head Girl Nia Lobo, a DP-1 student, presented the academic report. She warmly welcomed all the dignitaries. “Today’s event is particularly proud and emotional, not just for the school and the graduates, but also for their families and friends,” Nia eloquently put it and added that words can hardly do justice to the delight we all feel, and where words fail, music begins.

The academic report highlighted the DP-2 students who have secured admissions to prestigious universities worldwide. Here are some notable mentions: Ananya Gupta: Universities of Toronto, British Columbia, East London, Durham, York, and Minnesota; Tejas Kapil: Universities of Toronto, Victoria, Alberta, and British Columbia; Vedha Jangir: King’s College London, Universities of British Columbia, Bath, Birmingham, Calgary, and Waterloo.

Reha Aggarwal: Universities of Southampton, Leeds, and NABA Milan; Priyanka Chadha: University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Pratt Munson College of Art and Design, Otis College of Art and Design, and University of Cincinnati-College of Arts and Science; Atharv Rao: Universities of Albany, Ohio (Athens Campus), Greenwich, Sussex, and Memphis.

Devesh Purang: La Trobe College, Australia, Curtin College, and University of Manitoba; Aryan Roy Pal: Trinity College Dublin, and Universities of Liverpool, Bristol, Leeds, and Cardiff, and Molvika Khanna: Journalism and Mass Communication at Indraprastha University, Delhi. These students have also secured substantial scholarships.

Ananya Gupta, the valedictorian, delivered a heartfelt speech, expressing gratitude for the experiences and memories shaped over the past two years at Apeejay School International. She reminisced about the initial awkwardness during the bridge course and how, despite diverse backgrounds, everyone formed close bonds through shared moments — from casual dress days to pre-trip painting sessions. She highlighted the unique intimacy fostered by small class sizes, enabling deep connections with peers and teachers alike.

She extended thanks on behalf of the Class of 2024 to the school’s leadership, including Mrs. Chairman for her visionary support, Principal Sir for his guidance, and the administrative staff for their dedication. She acknowledged the parents’ sacrifices, emphasising their support as pivotal in preparing the graduates for future challenges.

As the ceremony drew to a close, Vedha Jangir and Tejas Kapil, recognised as Students of the Year, shared their transformative experiences at ASI. Vedha reflected on her journey from shyness to confidence, fostered by the supportive school environment. Tejas recounted the close-knit group’s antics and expressed gratitude towards the teachers for their patience and the life lessons imparted.

Vice Principal of Apeejay School International, Panchsheel Park-Ms Neha Sharma

Ms Sharma praised the Class of 2024 for their accomplishments and the indelible mark they left on the school—from the murals and debates to the scientific endeavours. She noted that room number 6, the favourite DP room, would hold memories of their presence, encapsulating the essence of their journey at ASI.

Ms Sharma conveyed deep affection and best wishes to the graduates, encouraging them to cherish and celebrate their achievements as they move forward into the next phase of their lives.

The event concluded with the National Anthem and a vote of thanks by Vice-principal Ms Neha Sharma, who expressed gratitude towards all attendees, including dignitaries, parents, and staff. She paid tribute to the Founder-Chairman’s inspirational leadership and the Berlia family’s contributions to the school’s success.

Abhilasha Munjal is a Senior Correspondent with Apeejay Newsroom. She has completed her Bachelor's degree in English from Delhi University. Abhilasha holds vivid knowledge about content and has predominantly covered local as well as trending stories in the digital media.
