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Students of this school showcase their oratory skills at the intra-class debate competition

Apeejay School, Noida held a debate competition intending to enhance life skills



Speaking and communicating well are fundamental skills that contribute to success in various aspects of life. These skills are not only valuable in professional settings but also crucial for building strong personal relationships and navigating the complexities of everyday life. Participating in debates can significantly enhance speaking and communication skills.

Debates require participants to think critically about a topic, analyze information, and form coherent arguments. This helps develop the ability to evaluate information and think on one’s feet, contributing to overall cognitive skills. Debaters often need to research and gather information to support their arguments. This process improves research skills, the ability to find credible sources, and the capacity to synthesise information for effective communication.

Apeejay Education is not only concerned with providing its students with academic success but also enhancing life skills like speaking and communication. On December 27, 2023, the Apeejay School, Noida organised an intra-class debate competition. The topic was — Human Activity is Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Change Today. The debate aimed to focus on the impact of human activities that are responsible for climate change. Four students were chosen and were given a brief session beforehand and were expected to speak for and against the motion. 

The participants were well-prepared and presented their compelling arguments for and against with clarity. The students were also actively involved in speaking in favour of societal progress and adverse effects regarding population growth over time. Such competitions contribute to the student’s self-confidence and develop in them the ability to express themselves effectively which can be fruitful academically as well as in career progression when they begin their professional journey

To assess the responses and encourage the debaters, students of the respective classes were invited to share their opinions. This addition added zeal to an already insightful and engaging discussion. Debates are pivotal for fostering the holistic development of students, contributing significantly to the enhancement of intellectual, social, and communication skills—attributes proven to be essential for the future.

The intra-class debate at Apeejay School, Noida proved the school’s dedication to establishing such opportunities sets it apart as an excellent environment for students to learn and flourish.

Abhilasha Munjal is a Senior Correspondent with Apeejay Newsroom. She has completed her Bachelor's degree in English from Delhi University. Abhilasha holds vivid knowledge about content and has predominantly covered local as well as trending stories in the digital media.
