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Future Olympian? Delhi kid sets sights on swimming glory

From snorkels to sprinting, Vedant Sehrawat has an unstoppable passion for the water



In the domain of aquatic prowess, where aspirations crystallise and champions are born, one young luminary shines with exceptional dedication and promise. Meet nine-year-old, Vedant Sehrawat, a prodigious scholar in Primary-Years-Programme IV at Apeejay School International, Panchsheel Park, whose fervour for swimming blazes brighter with every lap.

The student recently showcased his exceptional skills at the Delhi International Triathlon held at the Talkatora Stadium. He stands tall amongst his peers, participating in the fiercely competitive 200 metres swimming competition for ages six-12 years. His stellar performances have earned him a commendable 7th position in his age group, a testament to his unwavering commitment to the sport. “I enjoy diving and being at the deeper end of the pool,” says the young champ.

The prodigy’s journey into the world of swimming began at an astonishingly early age. He was introduced to the soothing embrace of a swimming pool with his parents, Manish Sehrawat, an Indian Railway Accounts Officer and Simran Soni, Chief SOP Editor, Council For American Education.

His initial encounter with the water occurred at the prestigious ITC Maurya in Agra, a memory etched in the young swimmer’s mind. From that auspicious start, his journey continued to blossom. At a tender age of three, he then took to the waters of the Railway Officers Club Swimming Pool in New Alipore, Kolkata, where his family was then stationed. On every visit to his grandparents’ residence, the young enthusiast made a beeline for the Defence Colony Club’s inviting pool, honing his skills with each stroke.

Vedant’s aquatic adventures extended beyond the confines of conventional pools. At the age of four, he ventured into the open sea for his first taste of snorkeling in the mesmerising waters of Phuket. This was only the beginning of a series of exhilarating encounters with the ocean’s depths. At six, he returned to Phuket for another round of snorkeling before embracing the challenge of deep-sea snorkeling in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands at the age of eight.

This year, in an exhilarating display of courage and skill, Vedant swam in the open sea off the coast of Langkawi, Malaysia, alongside his parents. The fearless young swimmer’s exploits have not gone unnoticed, as he now finds himself under the tutelage of the esteemed Raj Swimming Academy, a testament to his burgeoning talent.

In October 2023, Vedant is set to embark on a new chapter in his swimming journey as he commences professional training at the Siri Fort complex, boasting an Olympic-size pool spanning 50 metres. This significant step underscores his unyielding commitment to honing his skills and striving for excellence in the sport he holds dear.

Interestingly, his inspiration stems from none other than the legendary Michael Phelps, a name synonymous with Olympic glory, holding an awe-inspiring 23 gold medals. Additionally, he looks up to Ryan Lochte, a 12-time Olympian whose technique and prowess in the water continue to inspire Vedant’s own journey.

Looking ahead, Vedant has his sights set on ambitious goals. With unwavering determination, he aims to surpass his current personal best of 3 minutes and 43 seconds in the 200 metres, setting the stage for a triumphant return to the Delhi International Triathlon (Swimathon) next year.

By April or June of 2024, he envisions himself diving headfirst into yet another swimming competition organised by the illustrious Mr Chiro Mitra, an event that promises to further showcase his evolving talent. Moreover, he eagerly anticipates the opportunity to lead his school’s swim team as its Captain, a role he will undoubtedly embrace with the same vigor and dedication that defines his swimming career.

With a heart brimming with pride for his homeland, he harbors a burning desire to represent India on the global stage, following in the illustrious footsteps of his maternal cousin, Ishaan Kumar. In doing so, he hopes to carve a path for future Indian swimmers, making swimming not only a passion but also a lucrative and celebrated sport on the international scene. “Ishaan bhaiya inspires me. I have seen him swim fast and compete in several competitions,” says Vedant.   

In this young champion, we witness the promise of a future swimming icon whose journey is guided by passion, discipline and excellence. As he continues to forge ahead, the world waits in eager anticipation of the waves he will make in the realm of competitive swimming. 

Mrini Devnani is a Principal Correspondent and Marketing Coordinator at Newsroom. She covers student achievements, conducts interviews, and contributes content to the website. Previously, she served as a Correspondent specialising in Edu-tech for the India Today Group. Her skill areas extend to Social Media and Digital Marketing. For any inquiries or correspondence, you can reach out to her at [email protected].
