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Summer & Spring –The Greatest Seasons of All Times



It seems as if the world has woken up as spring gives way to summer. There’s so much to do; the days are long, and the sun is shining. My favourite seasons are spring and summer because they give off the vibe of happiness and new beginnings.

Spring is a season of growth and new life. Flowers bloom, filling the world with colour and the air with the wonderful aroma of nature coming back to life. Due to summer vacations, it’s the ideal time of year for activities in the outdoors, like hiking, picnics, or just relaxing on a park bench. Springtime can be treasured by planning get-togethers with friends, taking walks in nature to take in the beauty all around us, or even planting a few saplings as a way to connect with Mother Nature.

As spring smoothly transitions into summer, the energy of the season shifts to a more vibrant and lively one. The long, bright days invite us to enjoy the freedom and warmth that summer offers. It’s the season for fun-filled barbecues with family, road vacations with friends, and leisurely afternoons spent at the beach sipping glasses of orange juice. The summer is the perfect time of year to make treasured memories. We can pass the time away by learning a new skill, such as painting, photography, or playing an instrument. Read the books we’ve been meaning to read to discover a new world or push ourselves with outdoor activities like cycling, hiking, or swimming.

It’s easy to find contentment and relaxation in both spring and summer, whether it’s lounging on a picnic under a shaded tree, watching a sunset with friends, or just enjoying the warm sun on your skin. Savouring these moments and making the most of the season while it lasts are essential.

Thus, let us remember to cherish the beauty of these seasons as we greet the warm embrace of summer and wave farewell to the soft touch of spring. Accept the vivid hues, cool breezes, and limitless opportunities that come with every day. Make this spring and summer an unforgettable period of fun, excitement, and the pure delight of being fresh and unbound.
