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My enchanting journey into the world of swimming



A hobby brings us pleasure because we pursue it for the love of the activity, and not out of compulsion to earn. Thus, it is more fulfilling and provides greater satisfaction as well as joy. My favourite hobby is swimming. Swimming is considered a healthy form of exercise, an excellent way to stay fit, and a great hobby for people from all walks of life. It is an ideal activity for individuals of all ages, from young children to older adults, and one can start swimming at any age.

Recreational swimming is a low-impact activity that offers numerous physical and mental health benefits. Swimming, as a hobby, is a good way to relax and feel good during your free time. In addition to being a fun activity, swimming is an excellent way to boost fitness, and stay healthy. Swimming benefits the entire body, as well as the mind, spirit, and energy levels. Below are some of the many benefits of taking up swimming as a hobby:

Of all the health benefits of swimming, this may be the most valuable. A good swimming session can help improve the quality of your sleep. People who suffer from poor-quality sleep can benefit from spending some time in the pool every now and then.

Physical exercise releases endorphins, which automatically improve our mood. On top of this, swimming is a fun activity, and engaging in enjoyable activities generally makes us feel happy. People who suffer from mental health issues like depression and anxiety can benefit a lot from taking up swimming as a hobby.

Swimming is a low-impact workout, which means that it’s easier on your joints compared to exercises like weight lifting, running, or cycling.

Being a full-body exercise makes swimming an excellent way to burn those extra calories. A few laps at the local pool each day can make that extra fat disappear from your waistline.

Some of the drawbacks to choose swimming as a hobby are:

Possibly the biggest drawback to choosing swimming as a hobby is the inherent risk of drowning. This risk is more likely if you are just learning how to swim. It is important always to exercise caution when swimming in a pool or in open waters.

Chlorine is used in pools as a disinfectant, but too much chlorine is not good, as it can cause eye irritation, dry skin, headaches, and other unwanted side effects.

It is a well-known problem that many people pee in the pool, and this can cause some health problems, such as asthma and other respiratory issues.

Now that we have a fair idea of this activity, let me tell you about my first experience with swimming  

My first swimming experience was when I was 9 years old. The first day at swimming felt like my first day at school. I was feeling agitated about going into the pool. I first asked my father to go into the pool and check the depth. The pool was around 6 feet deep. I took my floater and, with the help of stairs, went into the pool. The water was freezing cold. I tried to breathe in the water. I attempted many times but struggled to breathe because I was opening my mouth in the water, breathing through my mouth.

After much practice, I learned how to breathe. When breathing in water, I could see bubbles forming inside the water. Slowly, I learned to float. It was an amazing experience. From that day on, I was never frightened or agitated about going into a pool. I even joined swimming classes during the summer break and learned to swim in a very short period. I am proud of myself for engaging in such an interesting summer activity.
