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Indian universities to introduce biannual admissions starting 2024-25



Indian universities and higher education institutions (HEIs) will now have the option to conduct admissions twice a year, similar to many foreign universities, according to UGC Chairman Jagadesh Kumar. Starting from the 2024-25 academic session, the two admission cycles will be in July-August and January-February, as reported by PTI.

The benefits of this biannual system, noting that it accommodates students who miss the July-August admissions due to delays in Board results, health issues, or personal reasons. This system prevents students from losing a whole year, maintaining their motivation and providing more timely educational opportunities.

Biannual admissions will also enhance campus recruitment opportunities, allowing industries to conduct recruitments twice a year, thereby improving employment prospects for graduates. This change would enable HEIs to better allocate resources such as faculty, labs, and classrooms, thereby improving their operational efficiency.

Moreover, adopting a biannual admission cycle can bolster international collaborations and student exchanges, aligning Indian HEIs with global educational standards and enhancing their global competitiveness. 

It has been clarified that offering biannual admissions is not mandatory. HEIs with the necessary infrastructure and teaching faculty can opt to adopt this system at their discretion. This flexibility aims to help HEIs increase student intake and introduce new programmes in emerging fields. Institutions wishing to implement this system will need to amend their regulations accordingly.

The biannual admission cycle offers significant advantages, it will require comprehensive planning and adjustments by HEIs to fully realise its potential.
