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From classroom to construction: Sudhanshu Mishra’s inspiring journey in architecture

The alumnus describes how Apeejay Institute of Technology – School of Architecture & Planning transformed his passion for design into a thriving architectural career



Sudhanshu Mishra, a distinguished alumnus of Apeejay Institute of Technology – School of Architecture & Planning (AIT-SAP), has carved a unique niche in the field of architecture. From a disinterested student to a successful entrepreneur, his journey is both inspiring and enlightening. Currently serving as the Principal Architect & Founder at Brij Associates, the Apeejay alumnus shares his insights into how his alma mater shaped his career and his experiences in the world of architecture.

Read edited excerpt:

What initially drew you to AIT-SAP and how did it influence your career in architecture?
When I first joined AIT-SAP, I was probably the least interested student in architecture. However, the environment and practical exposure offered by the college gradually piqued my interest. The turning point was during the second semester’s jury, when my HOD asked about the relationship between form and function in buildings. Searching for this answer sparked my curiosity and deepened my interest in architecture.

How did your time at AIT-SAP shape your professional skills and career path?
AIT-SAP played a pivotal role in my career. The practical approach to learning, especially through site visits, helped me understand the intricacies of architecture. These experiences taught me about space design, client requirements, and team management. The faculty, who had extensive practical experience, provided invaluable insights that shaped my professional outlook.

Can you share your professional journey post-graduation?
After graduating in 2011, I joined Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) where I worked for ten years. My role involved planning and architecture, but my passion for designing led me to start my own firm, Brij Associates, alongside my job. Post-2020, I fully transitioned to running Brij Associates, focusing on space creation and beautification.

What challenges did you face while starting your own firm, and how did you overcome them?
One of the biggest challenges was balancing client satisfaction with architectural integrity. Every client has unique requirements, and it’s crucial to meet these needs while ensuring the design is functional and aesthetically pleasing. Thorough planning, understanding client needs, and constant communication were key to overcoming these challenges.

How do you approach a new project at Brij Associates?
When a client approaches us, we start by understanding their specific requirements. For instance, if it’s a residential project, we consider the family’s lifestyle and preferences. After initial discussions, we present a design tailored to their needs. Once the design is finalised, we collaborate with structural and MEP consultants to create a detailed roadmap. The client is involved throughout the process, ensuring they are satisfied with the progress.

How did Apeejay contribute to your practical knowledge and real-world skills?
The college’s emphasis on practical learning through site visits was incredibly beneficial. We learned how to manage labour, understand building functions, and execute contracts effectively. These experiences were crucial in developing my understanding of architecture and preparing me for real-world challenges.

Could you share a memorable experience from your time at AIT-SAP?
A memorable experience was our visit to MNIT Bhopal – National Competition organised by NASA India. It was an enriching experience that provided exposure to various architectural styles and techniques. Moreover, it strengthened my bond with classmates, some of whom are now lifelong friends.

What aspect of architecture do you enjoy the most and why?
I particularly enjoy elevation designing. Seeing my designs come to life gives me immense satisfaction and motivation. An architect is known by their buildings, and creating remarkable designs that people can connect with is truly fulfilling for me.

How important is teamwork and collaboration in your projects?
Teamwork and collaboration are crucial. We ensure that every stakeholder, from electricians to plumbers, is well-briefed and understands the project details. Clear communication and coordination are vital for the successful execution of any project. It’s a challenging yet rewarding process when everything comes together.

Meet Mahima, a Correspondent at Apeejay Newsroom, and a seasoned writer with gigs at NDTV, News18, and SheThePeople. When she is not penning stories, she is surfing the web, dancing like nobody's watching, or lost in the pages of a good book. You can reach out to her at [email protected]
