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First-time voters exercise their franchise with joy

Apeejay Stya University students attend Voter Awareness Programme and cast their votes subsequently



Creating awareness among first-time voters is crucial for ensuring a robust democratic process. Recognising the importance of this, the National Service Scheme (NSS) of Apeejay Stya University (ASU) in Gurugram recently organised a Voter Awareness Programme. The programme aimed at encouraging first-time voters to cast their votes in the General Elections of 2024. This initiative was pivotal as it educated young voters about their rights and responsibilities, thereby fostering a culture of active civic participation.

The Voter Awareness Programme, held on the university campus, attracted a significant number of students. The event commenced with an introductory session that highlighted the significance of voting and the impact it has on the nation’s governance. Students were familiarised with the voting process and how voting is a fundamental duty of every citizen.

One of the key objectives of the programme was to dispel myths and misinformation about the electoral process. Many first-time voters often feel intimidated by the voting process, leading to voter apathy. Through detailed presentations and interactive sessions, the NSS volunteers and guest speakers explained the step-by-step process of casting a vote, the importance of each vote, and how it contributes to the overall democratic framework.

Sharing her thoughts on the same B Pharma student Muskaan Gupta expressed, “Stepping into the polling booth for the first time, I felt a mix of excitement and responsibility. Casting my vote, I realised the significance of my voice in shaping the future. It was a moment of pride and civic duty.”

Chandrajeet Dhara, B.Tech Biotechnology student from School of Biosciences at ASU said, “Voting for the world’s largest democracy is always a proud moment as a responsible citizen of my motherland. I’m proud to contribute towards making Atmanirbhar Bharat and Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikaas motto. Jai Hind and Vandemataram.”

The NSS of Apeejay Stya University’s Voter Awareness Programme successfully concluded all attendees exercising their votes in the General Elections 2024. The success of this event was evident from the enthusiastic participation and positive feedback from the students, many of whom expressed a newfound understanding and motivation to participate in the electoral process.

Harshita is Assistant Editor at Apeejay Newsroom. With experience in both the Media and Public Relations (PR) world, she has worked with Careers360, India Today and Value360 Communications. A learner by nature, she is a foodie, traveller and believes in having a healthy work-life balance.
