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AIDians experience a journey of creativity and practicality

Apeejay Institute of Design holds ‘Painting and Gift Packaging’ session for Foundation students as part of elective week



In our relentless pursuit of adopting a “student-centric pedagogy,” the students of the foundation GDP-II semester recently engaged in a skill-based learning elective week. This initiative allowed students to select an elective subject of their choice between Painting and Gift Packaging, fostering a more personalised and engaging learning environment.

The enthusiasm among the students was palpable as they embarked on their chosen subjects. The elective week provided an excellent platform for them to delve into hands-on learning and explore various mediums and their applications. The painting workshop, for instance, was a profound exercise in the expression of ideas and emotions. It enhanced the students’ aesthetic skills and offered them a two-dimensional canvas to manifest their creative visions. Through the use of colors and brushes, students found a liberating form of self-expression that allowed them to convey their innermost feelings.

Dakshita Dalal, a GDP Foundation (II Sem) student, shared her experience, “I had the opportunity to explore a week of elective subjects and I chose painting. Through painting, I discovered a new form of self-expression that enhanced my creativity and artistic skills. The elective subject provided a nurturing environment where I could freely experiment with colors, and various painting techniques, allowing me to paint my imagination onto the canvas. I feel options of elective week in the semester helped us with diverse learning opportunities, allowing us to explore interests and talents beyond the traditional curriculum. I am grateful for this experience.”

On the other hand, the Gift Packaging workshop focused on a practical and highly relevant skill set for the industry. Students engaged in creative packaging for various utility products, learning the nuances of Gift Packaging, which plays a crucial role in the wide industry of gift-giving. Rayyan Khan, another GDP Foundation (II Sem) student, emphasised the significance of this workshop. “Packaging formed an integral component of our elective course. The workshop spanned over a duration of one week, during which we acquired knowledge and skills in handling a diverse range of packaging materials. Our understanding deepened on the significance of packaging in terms of enhancing the marketing appeal and ensuring the convenience of a product. Throughout the workshop, we were given the opportunity to create our own packaging prototypes. This hands-on experience helped us understand the practical aspects of packaging and how to adapt our designs to meet specific product requirements,” she said.

The skill-based learning elective week was an enriching experience for the students, providing them with diverse learning opportunities beyond the traditional curriculum. It allowed them to explore their interests and talents in a supportive and dynamic environment. The success of this initiative underscores the importance of offering elective subjects that cater to the varied interests of students, ultimately contributing to their holistic development and readiness for real-world challenges.

Harshita is Assistant Editor at Apeejay Newsroom. With experience in both the Media and Public Relations (PR) world, she has worked with Careers360, India Today and Value360 Communications. A learner by nature, she is a foodie, traveller and believes in having a healthy work-life balance.
