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My lockdown diaries



By Praatik Kauldhar

Lockdown was a very difficult time for all of us, but it made me learn many new aspects of life. Earlier, my focus was only on pursuing my passion, lawn tennis, alongside my studies. But when a lockdown was imposed and it paused all kinds of outdoor activities including sports, there was a lacuna created for me. I wondered what else I could do.  

It was then that I thought of exploring new ideas. I expanded my horizons and started exploring guitar and Casio. I realised music is so soothing that I started UCMAS, a child development program based on visual arithmetic and abacus. It helped me strengthen my math skills and promoted whole-brain development. I have achieved a lot after joining UCMAS.

Along with this, I participated in many other competitions like KENKEN – an arithmetic and logic puzzle. Also, I am an active cyclist and had the opportunity to participate in many cyclothones.

I still pursue my passion i.e. lawn tennis. All these interests of mine have evolved me into a confident person who wants to achieve more in life. I am very happy that I explored new paths and did not settle for less during the difficult times of the pandemic.

In the end, I would like to say that you can also achieve what you aim for. All you have to have is the vision to achieve it.
