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Faculty members learn valuable “Lessons of Leadership from Ramayana”

Apeejay School of Management organises an engaging Faculty Training Program



Faculty training programs play a crucial role in the continuous professional development of educators, ensuring they stay updated with new knowledge and teaching methodologies. These programs not only enhance the academic and pedagogical skills of the faculty but also foster a culture of lifelong learning. Recognising the importance of such initiatives, Apeejay School of Management (ASM) in Dwarka recently organised a Faculty Training Program focusing on “Leadership Lessons from Ramayana.”

Dr. Srirang K Jha, Associate Professor and Head of the General Management Area, led the insightful session. The training aimed to draw leadership lessons from the ancient epic of Ramayana, demonstrating its relevance in contemporary socio-cultural and organisational contexts.

Dr. Jha began the session by discussing the various versions of Ramayana, from Maharishi Valmiki’s original composition to Goswami Tulsidas’s rendition. He provided a comprehensive overview of the epic’s purpose and context, highlighting how its themes have transcended generations and cultures. This foundational knowledge set the stage for a deeper exploration of leadership lessons embedded within the narrative.

The central themes of the Ramayana, such as “Tapasvi Raja – Maryada Purushottam Ram,” the conflict between “Pashu and Purush Pravritti,” and the concept of an ideal kingdom or “Ram Rajya,” were meticulously examined. Dr. Jha emphasised the character of Ram, exploring his ethical dilemmas or “Dharm Sankat” that included the law of inheritance or “vachan” (oral commitment), “athithi dharm” or “atma raksha” (self-defense), “prem” (love) or “kartavya” (duty), and “Praja” (subjects) or “Parivar” (family). Through these dilemmas, Dr. Jha illustrated how Ram’s decisions and actions serve as timeless leadership lessons.

The session sparked engaging discussions among the faculty members. Participants delved into the issues of “Prakriti” (nature) and “Sanskriti” (culture), debating how the teachings of Ramayana could be applied to modern socio-cultural norms. The faculty explored the ethical and moral dimensions of leadership as portrayed in the epic, reflecting on how these principles could be integrated into contemporary leadership practices.

Dr. Jha’s analysis highlighted the significance of ethical leadership, integrity, and the balance between personal and professional responsibilities. The session underscored the importance of leading by example, a key takeaway from the character of Ram, who is revered for his unwavering commitment to duty and righteousness.

The program concluded with a shared understanding of the relevance of Ramayana in today’s world. Faculty members expressed their appreciation for the unique and enriching experience, noting that the insights gained would significantly enhance their teaching methodologies and leadership skills.

All in all, the Faculty Training Program on “Leadership Lessons from Ramayana” at Apeejay School of Management was a resounding success. It provided a unique perspective on leadership, bridging ancient wisdom with contemporary practices, and reaffirmed the institution’s commitment to fostering holistic development among its educators.

Harshita is Assistant Editor at Apeejay Newsroom. With experience in both the Media and Public Relations (PR) world, she has worked with Careers360, India Today and Value360 Communications. A learner by nature, she is a foodie, traveller and believes in having a healthy work-life balance.
