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Watch out for the AI-enabled yoga mat for personalised coaching



A groundbreaking AI-enabled yoga mat, developed by a startup incubated at a reputed educational institute, has been unveiled, promising to transform the at-home yoga experience. The innovative mat, named ‘YogiFi,’ was presented to several Ministers, including External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, Railways, I&B and IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

The mat leverages advanced AI and Computer Vision (CV) technologies to provide a comfortable and effective yoga practice. The mat features a built-in innovative sensor layer that tracks the postures of users, offering real-time suggestions to correct their form. This development aims to simplify yogasana training, making it more interactive and accessible.

The startup behind YogiFi, Wellnesys Technologies Private Ltd, is incubated at the Technology Innovation Hub (TIH) iHub and supported under the NM-ICPS programme of the Department of Science and Technology (DST). The mat, a fully indigenous Make in India product, offers multiple benefits, including interactive yoga classes, real-time feedback on posture, and personalised coaching available anywhere in the world.

The smart mat also integrates seamlessly with other smart devices at home, allowing users to create an ideal environment for their yoga sessions. This innovation marks a significant advancement in the field of wellness technology, providing users with the tools to enhance their yoga practice through personalised and real-time coaching.
