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UGC announces new curriculum, credit framework for PG  programmes



The University Grants Commission (UGC) has introduced a new curriculum and credit framework for postgraduate programmes, detailing the structure and credits for both one-year and two-year PG courses without specifying discipline-specific entry requirements. Notably, the framework allows for an exit option after the first year in the two-year programme, underscoring its focus on flexibility and mobility.

UGC chairman M. Jagadesh Kumar emphasized that this new framework is designed to provide students with greater freedom, flexibility, and choices. The curriculum and credit framework aims to accommodate restructured degree programs and new entry/exit procedures, empowering students to tailor their education according to their needs and interests.

This initiative delineates the credit structure and curriculum for both one-year and two-year postgraduate programmes. It includes an exit option after the first year for those enrolled in two-year programs, facilitating flexibility in academic pursuits. The primary goal is to enhance students’ knowledge and readiness for advanced research, helping them transition smoothly from acquiring knowledge to creating it.

The framework is in line with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which advocates for flexible educational pathways in both undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Universities are encouraged to adopt restructured degree programmes, offering various designs for postgraduate courses that align with the flexibility introduced in undergraduate education.

Overall, the UGC’s new curriculum and credit framework for postgraduate programmes aims to provide a more adaptable and student-centered approach to higher education, fostering an environment where students can effectively pursue their academic and research goals.
