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Thoughts I have while stargazing



Once, a friend told me there are infinite stars in our galaxy and 79 moons of Jupiter. He talked about how there are over 700 quintillion planets in the universe, more than 4,000 exoplanets, and just 8 planets in our solar system. He further mentioned that there might be so much more going on that we are unaware of; we are just a small part of something bigger that we know nothing about. If human existence were to be wiped out in a second right now, it would not matter.

There may exist a planet hundreds of light years away where every human might be a giant, and one day on Earth would equal only one second in that place.

He said, “The shape of our eyes is convex and that is why the objects far away appear smaller, If our eyes were straight everything would appear of the same size as it is, if it were to be concave, things close to us would seem much bigger than they are”. Perhaps things aren’t even the way they seem; what if all of it is just an illusion?

We then discussed how there are numerous kinds of people and many different beliefs. Who would’ve thought Satanism could be a real belief until some people started worshipping “the devil”?

The other day, my best friend and I had a conversation about life and death. We pondered on our purpose, questioning if religion is indeed true, if God actually exists, if there is anything after this life if Karma holds real weight, and if seven heavens and seven hells genuinely exist somewhere.

What if all we’ve ever known is a lie and none of our theories are true? What if everything that has already happened here is occurring somewhere else as well? What if our past physically exists somewhere and is also in motion? What if Epicureanism is the “correct” way to live life?

Finally, we concluded that maybe all we’re meant to do is love and live.

We resist accepting that this is all there is, because if everything happening right now is all that we have out of infinity, then nothing matters. Perhaps, it’s our human nature to seek beauty in the mundane, to expect more, or to yearn for something beyond what we see.

We want to believe in the concept of multiverse, that fairytales exist, and that there is an intricate reason behind everything that happens to us. So, I guess all we have to do is follow our instincts and live each moment as if it’s our last. I guess all we have to do is listen to our hearts and do what we’ve always been afraid to do.
