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The serial killer



By Dikshant

It was a cloudy and dark night. A man wearing a black shirt and long hat was watching outside the window. “Kelvin, please tell me the time,” his mom asked. “Oh mom, I can’t tell you the time. The clock is too far away from me,” Kelvin replied. He asked his mother to come and see who was going to Johnny’s house. His mom suggested that they should sleep instead, as it was not the right time to see who was going there. She added, “We should always mind our own business.”

Suddenly, something mysterious happened and Kelvin was shocked. He asked his mother to call his father, but she replied that he was busy. Kelvin insisted that something was wrong and asked his mother to call his father again. However, his mother ignored him and told him to go to sleep.

The next morning, Kelvin woke up to the sweet prayers of the sun. The police rang the bell and asked for Croper Hamilton. When Hamilton came, they informed him that Mr. John’s daughter had been kidnapped. Hamilton was shocked and asked how it had happened and when. The police suggested that Hamilton should calm down and gave him water.

The police started their investigation and asked for Hamilton’s professional detail and daily routine. They also asked about his relationship with John’s family. Hamilton replied that John was his close friend. The police then asked if Hamilton knew about his daughter’s kidnapping, to which Hamilton replied that he did not.

Hamilton was shocked and shouted in anger, asking who had done it and how it had happened. The police suggested that Hamilton should calm down, and Hamilton’s wife gave him water. The police then asked for Hamilton’s wife’s name, profession, and daily routine. They also asked how many children they had and their names. Hamilton’s wife replied that they have only one child, Kelvin, who is 12 years old and studies at the American International School.

After the investigation, the police asked Hamilton and his wife to come to the police station whenever required. Hamilton was furious and asked why, and the police replied that they might need their help. The police left, and Hamilton hoped that the investigation would be helpful.

After the police left, Kelvin said, “I know who he was, the man in the long shirt and hat.” Croper was surprised and left to check the CCTV footage, but it was not working. They turned on the TV and found out that the city had a serial killer. They were scared, as the killer had already murdered eight people, with two girls still in his control.

Four days later, Hamilton was still worried, as John’s family could arrive at any moment. They were watching TV, and the reporter said that the killer had abducted ten girls and no boys. They were scared and wondered why the killer was targeting only girls.

Hamilton and his wife Eliza were discussing the recent kidnapping of their neighbour’s daughter. Hamilton was convinced that the kidnapper would call him, but Eliza urged him to focus on managing the situation. Hamilton refused to eat, and Eliza suggested they get some rest instead.

The next morning, they overheard a news report about a serial killer who had been leaving a signature at his crime scenes, and they speculated that the killer might know their neighbour’s daughter. Hamilton decided to call Ruskin Caldo, an old friend, for help.

Hamilton explained the situation to Ruskin and mentioned that their neighbour John’s daughter was among the kidnapped girls. Ruskin agreed to help and called his friend S.K. Johnson, the chief of police for help.

However, to Hamilton ‘s surprise, Ruskin later messaged him to say that S.K. Johnson was not interested in the case. Hamilton found this suspicious and decided to investigate further. He discovered that Johnson was the son of a former police chief and had recently joined the force. He also had a strange fondness for black coats and hats, and his favorite color was black.

One night, Hamilton’s son, Kelvin, saw a man wearing a black coat and hat in John’s garden. The next morning, Hamilton shared his suspicions with Eliza and Kelvin that Johnson might be the killer.

They devised a plan to lure Johnson to Los Angeles, the location where they believed he would commit his next crime. They successfully apprehended him and found out that he had kidnapped the girls because he didn’t like them. He had used his father’s name after his death to get hired as the police chief.

Hamilton, his family, along with John’s family were all safe, and the police department terminated Johnson’s employment, hiring someone else to take his place.
