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The role of Gen AI in apprenticeships



The landscape of the workplace is rapidly changing as technology seamlessly blends with human talent, transforming industries in ways previously unimaginable. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and MidJourney have become integral to our daily lives, significantly enhancing workplace productivity and enabling smart automation. This wave of AI adoption is reflected in the rapid expansion of the Indian AI industry, which is expected to reach USD 28.8 billion by 2025, propelled by an impressive 45% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) and a rise in the number of AI-skilled professionals.

Businesses that strategically integrate intelligent machines with human talent are well-positioned to excel in this era of technological evolution. While AI offers tremendous potential, its true success depends on our ability to cultivate a workforce proficient in adaptation, data interpretation, creativity, and human-centric leadership skills. The convergence of business, human capital, economics, and AI underscores the urgent need to re-evaluate our education systems and social safety nets. This ensures a sustainable and equitable future where technology enhances human capabilities.

Despite the significant influx of AI talent, a skills gap remains. At present, India has 4,16,000 professionals in Artificial Intelligence (AI), but the demand far surpasses this at 6,29,000. This gap is expected to widen, with the demand for AI professionals projected to reach around 1 million by 2026. This highlights the urgent need for improved training and education in AI technologies.
