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The poor girl’s honesty



By Nilohit Bagchi

Once there was a small village named Goregaon, where people lived in extreme poverty and hunger. One day, a kind and generous rich man named Eugene, who lived in a city, heard about the condition of this village and made up his mind to help the poor people.

He went to the village and decided to distribute the food packets to those residing there. He made an announcement and asked everyone to stand in line and collect their packets one by one. All the villagers were very happy with his kindness and efforts. Everyone collected their food and went back to their houses.

A poor little girl named Ayesha was standing in line for food, but when her turn came she received less food. She was not that satisfied, but took the packet home. When she sat to eat the food, she found some gold coins in the loaf of bread. She said, “These are the gold coins of that rich man! I must return these coins to him first.”

She took all the gold coins to Eugene and said, “Uncle, these are your gold coins, which I found in my loaf of bread, please take them.” Eugene was surprised by her honesty and refused to take them. In fact, he gave her more food and said, “It’s your reward. Please keep it.”

Moral: Honesty is the best policy.
