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The man the world needs!

Celebrating 125th birth anniversary of the great Bengali poet Kazi Nazrul Islam



What is the real problem with the world? What is the problem with its people? Ever thought of this? Personally, I feel the answer is that we all are more into appearances and less into authenticity. It is now more important to look a certain way or give a certain impression than actually knowing or practicing the thing.

And unfortunately, it is mostly the case in literature. Look at the blind hero-worshipping of prominent literary figures. Most people claim to ‘love’, ‘respect’ and ‘idolise’ many writers and poets and yet they scarcely read their works or practice the humanitarian values the artists lived by.

But it would be a very sad fate, if one did the same with Kazi Nazrul Islam- the great poet of Bengal. For I firmly believe that the time has come for the entire humanity to read him. ‘Kazi Saheb’ as I fondly call him in my humble loving manner, is the man the world needs more than ever. 

On his 125th birth anniversary, here are 3 lessons the world must learn from his super interesting life, incredible literary oeuvre and immense contribution to the nation, sahitya and humanity.

1Raise your voice against injustice

Kazi Nazrul Islam was arrested multiple times by the British for his firm views on Indian freedom and British unjustness. 

But even in prison, Nazrul never abandoned his call for a revolution, instead kept writing with greater will as he wrote ‘Rajbondir Jobanbondi’ (Silencing the Political Prisoner) from behind the bars. Indeed, he was a ‘rebel-poet’, a ‘Bidrohi’ with a head held high eternally!

2Embrace humanism above everything else!

The world has never seen such a secular man. Kazi sahib practiced what he preached. He named his sons with both muslim and hindu names. In his poems, he repeatedly spoke of all religions being equally reverential and leading to the same ocean of divinity.

 In his celebrated poem Sammobadi i.e. The Song of Equality he writes that all religions, scriptures are leading to the same goal, of man finding the divine within and rising above these extremist strifes. Throughout his life, he repeatedly called for a secular harmonious society.

3. No matter what you do, contribute to social reform

Poetry is not always limited to the beloved or the stars and moon. Poetry stems from life and hence covers all its multifaceted angles. Nazrul was a staunch feminist and believed in gender equality. He emphasized on the importance and contribution of both the genders in leading a holistic life and family. His humanism was not just confined to this, he even wrote for the upliftment of the marginalized section of society. 

In his iconic poem ‘Barangana’ he addresses the sex worker as a mother and thereby opposes their patriarchal understanding and definition.

 You must learn more about him

All in all, Kazi Nazrul Islam is a great asset to literature, to the world, to humanity. All students must explore his poems and get hold of abridged versions of English or Hindi translations of the same. 

Read one poem of Nazrul, and you will not be the same anymore! Your heart will find the joy of humanity in everyone, everywhere! 

Senior Correspondent at the Apeejay Newsroom, Arijit has written more than a thousand articles across varied genres and also shot video interviews and live coverages with the highest viewership, displaying his versatility and skill. Be it a special achievement article, feedback from a parent, high profile alumnus interview or a featured write up on culture, literature and sports, he is the go to person. His initiatives like Aspiring Artist, Promising Poet and Book reviews have earned him special place in the hearts of all students and readers. Arijit initiated video interviews with a wholesome campaign on the 2022 FIFA World Cup, consisting of 16 match review articles and 3 video interviews of budding football players and enthusiasts across various Apeejay schools in Delhi. He also did the live coverage of Apeejay Noida's mega event Runathon 2023 and also many other special interviews. All his videos created new benchmarks for views, especially the latter crossing 2k views in just days. A performing poet, short story writer and football player in the other half of the day, Arijit leads a colourful and passionate life. You can watch his performances at his YouTube channel- Arijit Roy Poems, and also read his poems and short stories at his blog with the same name. He can be reached at [email protected] and [email protected]
