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The ‘human’ in humanity 



By Soumili Sarkar

‘HUMAN’, this word is very common in our everyday lives because we are all human beings. However, not everyone can truly grasp the essence of the word ‘HUMAN’. It is not their fault; it is the fault of their mentality. Today, I want to discuss a town in Tamil Nadu called ‘Auroville.’ This place is where people truly understand the meaning of the word ‘HUMAN.’ It is the only place on Earth where individuals from all communities, countries, castes, religions, and ethnicities, whether white or black, coexist in unity.

Auroville, situated in Tamil Nadu, is an experimental town where a diverse group of people from around the world live together, sharing their emotions, food, work, and various activities. The town exemplifies that unity is strength, transcending the barriers of caste, creed, or nationality.

Across the world, people often fail to embrace unity and instead engage in conflicts based on caste, creed, or religion. Why? They overlook the fact that they are all humans, sharing the same red blood, possessing two eyes, two ears, and one nose. Auroville, however, disregards people’s backgrounds or social status and focuses solely on recognizing the humanity within them.

In this town, residents celebrate all festivals, be it Hindu’s Durga Puja, Christmas, Id, or Muharram, together. This exemplifies the unity among its people. Therefore, we should aspire to emulate the people of Auroville. Globally, we need to present ourselves in unity, resisting anything that seeks to divide us.


So, we must be in unity, like the people of Auroville!
