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‘Teachers are constantly innovating teaching techniques’ 

Mrs. Sohni Chitra discusses that Apeejay School, Model Town’s innovative approach to education has played a key role in her child’s progress.



Mannat Chitra is a class 8 student at Apeejay School, Model Town in Jalandhar. In a quick chat with her mother Mrs Sohni Chitra, we learn about her daughter’s progress at the school and how the school takes an extra effort to ensure the well-being of all the children. Edited excerpts:

Could you share how Mannat has progressed over the last year?

Mannat has made significant strides in the past year, especially in extracurricular activities. She participates in a variety of events, but her true passion lies in art. She has won numerous prizes in slogan writing and poster-making competitions. Recently, she also participated in a talent hunt competition and performed a dance. I’ve noticed a lot of growth in her confidence and skills.

That sounds wonderful! How do you feel the teachers are contributing to this progress?

The teachers at Apeejay School, Model Town are doing an excellent job. They are constantly innovating their teaching methods, making lessons more engaging and interesting for the students. This has had a positive impact on Mannat as well, sparking her interest in studies and other activities.

Can you tell us about any new activities introduced by the school?

The school recently introduced a club activity called Sports Guru, which has been a big hit. In today’s digital age, physical fitness is often neglected, so this initiative is very important. They offer morning sessions in table tennis and skating, ensuring the all-round development of the children.

 How is Mannat performing academically?

Academically, Mannat excels in Science. She is fascinated by new facts, chemicals, and the reasons behind various natural phenomena. Currently, the students are learning about global warming in school. The teachers make the subject even more interesting by conducting practical experiments to explain scientific concepts.

 Is Mannat already thinking about which stream she would like to pursue in Class 11?

There’s still some time before she has to make that decision. My husband and I both come from a commerce background, so she might lean towards that. However, it’s ultimately her choice. We’ll see how things unfold when the time comes, and I’m sure she’ll make a good decision.

Senior Correspondent at the Apeejay Newsroom, Arijit has written more than a thousand articles across varied genres and also shot video interviews and live coverages with the highest viewership, displaying his versatility and skill. Be it a special achievement article, feedback from a parent, high profile alumnus interview or a featured write up on culture, literature and sports, he is the go to person. His initiatives like Aspiring Artist, Promising Poet and Book reviews have earned him special place in the hearts of all students and readers. Arijit initiated video interviews with a wholesome campaign on the 2022 FIFA World Cup, consisting of 16 match review articles and 3 video interviews of budding football players and enthusiasts across various Apeejay schools in Delhi. He also did the live coverage of Apeejay Noida's mega event Runathon 2023 and also many other special interviews. All his videos created new benchmarks for views, especially the latter crossing 2k views in just days. A performing poet, short story writer and football player in the other half of the day, Arijit leads a colourful and passionate life. You can watch his performances at his YouTube channel- Arijit Roy Poems, and also read his poems and short stories at his blog with the same name. He can be reached at [email protected] and [email protected]
