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Remembering Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam: India’s missile man as well as an eternal student

On the occasion of World Student’s Day, let’s learn about the man in whose honour the day is celebrated



I belong to the Instagram generation. This social media app is one where many trends keep shaping up from time-to-time. One recent trend I observed, in the backdrop of the Men’s ICC Cricket World Cup, was people voting about one cricketer who had zero haters.

If we take this trend on a national level and reminisce about such a personality, many names would come up. But the one on which the entire nation will agree would be Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Often referred to as India’s Missile Man, the former President left an indelible mark on the nation, inspiring generations with his brilliance, humility, and insatiable thirst for knowledge.

Even today, one comes across several iconic speeches of his, where he inspires students to cultivate excellence within and pursue that with a sincere heart. Thus, it is no wonder that World Student’s Day is celebrated on Dr. Kalam’s birth anniversary.

In this context, let’s then learn more about the humble life of the great man and seek inspiration from his unwavering spirit of fortitude.

Dr Kalam’s legacy as a scientist is nothing short of extraordinary. He played a pivotal role in India’s missile development programs especially in the Pokhran tests of 1998, which contributed significantly to the nation’s defence capabilities. 

His brilliance and dedication not only propelled India’s scientific advancements but also instilled a sense of pride and confidence in the nation. His innovative contributions, especially in the field of space technology, continue to shape India’s progress, making him a revered figure in the scientific community.

Born in the small town of Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu, Dr. Kalam’s life journey serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration. Growing up in a modest environment, the son of a boat owner, who had to sell newspapers to support his family, Kalam faced numerous challenges, yet he pursued his education with unwavering determination. His rise from a humble background to the highest office in the country stands testament to the power of perseverance and self-belief, setting an example for every aspiring student.

Dr. Kalam’s deep-rooted love for education was evident in his every endeavour. In one of his interviews he was asked, of which achievement in his career was he the proudest. While everybody expected Dr Kalam to list one of illustrious career highlights, the man simply replied, “The fact that I am a teacher!”  

After all, Dr Kalam believed that education was not just a means of acquiring knowledge but a tool for empowering individuals and nations. Throughout his life, he passionately interacted with students, encouraging them to dream big and work hard. His emphasis on education as the cornerstone of progress continues to inspire countless young minds, shaping the future of the nation. 

Countless videos of his inspiring speeches throng the internet. Here’s a brief extract from one of his iconic speeches:  “You have to fight the hardest battle. And never stop fighting until you arrive, at your destined place, that is the unique you. You must have four unique tools in this battle: set the goal; acquire knowledge continuously; hard work with devotion and perseverance. The question is whether you want to be you or everybody else.”

One of Dr. Kalam’s most significant contributions to students is his autobiography, Wings of Fire. This literary masterpiece chronicles his life, struggles, and dreams, offering invaluable lessons for every student. 

In its pages, readers find not only the story of a great scientist but also a source of motivation and guidance. Dr. Kalam’s words have ignited countless young souls, urging them to pursue their passions fearlessly and embrace challenges with courage.

Here’s the most treasured quote from his book, “We are all born with a divine fire in us. Our efforts should be to give wings to this fire and fill the world with the glow of its goodness.”

Despite his monumental achievements, Dr. Kalam remained an eternal student, constantly seeking knowledge from the vast ocean of books. His personal library, housing over 250,000 books, with over 40 doctoral degrees reflected his insatiable curiosity and thirst for learning. 

His humility, coupled with his eloquence as a speaker, made him a beloved figure among students. His speeches, filled with wisdom and compassion, continue to resonate with young hearts, inspiring them to dream, learn, and contribute meaningfully to society.

On this World Student’s Day, as we celebrate the brilliance of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, let us remember his teachings and emulate his spirit. His life exemplified the transformative power of education, the importance of humility, and the need to remain eternal students, constantly learning, growing, and inspiring others. In the light of his legacy, let us nurture the dreams of every student, empowering them to soar to great heights, just like the Missile Man of India did.

Senior Correspondent at the Apeejay Newsroom, Arijit has written more than a thousand articles across varied genres and also shot video interviews and live coverages with the highest viewership, displaying his versatility and skill. Be it a special achievement article, feedback from a parent, high profile alumnus interview or a featured write up on culture, literature and sports, he is the go to person. His initiatives like Aspiring Artist, Promising Poet and Book reviews have earned him special place in the hearts of all students and readers. Arijit initiated video interviews with a wholesome campaign on the 2022 FIFA World Cup, consisting of 16 match review articles and 3 video interviews of budding football players and enthusiasts across various Apeejay schools in Delhi. He also did the live coverage of Apeejay Noida's mega event Runathon 2023 and also many other special interviews. All his videos created new benchmarks for views, especially the latter crossing 2k views in just days. A performing poet, short story writer and football player in the other half of the day, Arijit leads a colourful and passionate life. You can watch his performances at his YouTube channel- Arijit Roy Poems, and also read his poems and short stories at his blog with the same name. He can be reached at [email protected] and [email protected]
