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‘Now a stranger’: Poem by Aakifah Khan, Apeejay School, Nerul 



Listen to the poem here:

With that face of yours,
you seem to get hold of my attention.
Letting it be for lifetime,
was a grieved fate; I compelled myself for.

Uncertain of my feelings,
you had to be the one,
in the soft spot of my heart.

Little did I know, it was just an abrupt fleeting
As quick as a twinkling in my destined living.
Blurry vision was all I saw under the numberless partings of this world,
I was nowhere entangled, while you felt surely entitled.

Being the reason truly clear,
You deceived me, stomped upon, although I was a marvel.
I will still heart those memories we created together,
all close to the depth of my soul.

Yes, you were
whom I had dreamed about,
and became the one,
about whom I had nightmares all night long.
Isn’t it confusing? Will I still feel the melancholy in the afterlife?
