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My Transformative Journey at AIMC: From Self-Doubt to Self-Confidence



Abhinav Bajpai

Reflecting on my time at the Apeejay Institute of Mass Communication (AIMC), I can confidently say it has been a life-changing experience. Coming to AIMC has transformed me from an under confident individual who constantly doubted his skills into someone ready to face any challenge that comes my way.

Before joining AIMC, I always questioned whether I was worthy or deserving of success. Public speaking terrified me, and I often hesitated to step out of my comfort zone. However, the environment at AIMC has benefited me immensely, helping me develop self-confidence, self-awareness, and valuable industry contacts.

The practical learning at AIMC has been instrumental in my growth. I have always had access to the necessary equipment and shoot permissions. I take pride in the fact that I never missed any activity or productive opportunity in college. I participated in everything, which always boosted my confidence, thanks largely to the supportive faculty. Professor Mudita Ma’am played a significant role in boosting my confidence, and Professor Naveen Sir helped me make the right decisions.

Thanks to the confidence I gained at AIMC, I was never worried about placements. I started trusting myself at the right time, which helped me secure a job in my preferred industry. I am now working as a Creative Video Editor at Albela Films and Studios, and I look forward to continuing to learn and grow.

AIMC has truly been a home away from home for me. Joining this place has allowed me to create countless memories that I will cherish forever. This has been one of the best years of my life. The experiences and growth I’ve had here are beyond words. Thank you, AIMC, for giving me a year filled with unforgettable moments and immense personal growth. I will always hold this time close to my heart.
