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Alumni Speak

‘My time at Apeejay definitely transformed me’

Anmol Malik, an Apeejay School, Panchsheel Park alumnus, shares how his alma mater prepared him well for life



In an enlightening conversation, Anmol Malik, a proud alumnus of Apeejay School, Panchsheel Park, delves into his extensive journey from nursery to graduation. Reflecting on his time at the school, Anmol from the 2024 batch shares how Apeejay played a crucial role in shaping his personal and academic life, offering invaluable support and guidance. His experiences highlight the nurturing environment and comprehensive education that Apeejay provides to its students.

Read edited excerpts:

Can you tell us about your journey at Apeejay School?
I’ve been at Apeejay School since nursery, and it’s been quite an interesting journey filled with ups and downs. I’ve learned a lot, both emotionally and academically. Every moment there was an awesome experience. It’s a really good place for students, and I would highly recommend it.

What makes Apeejay School special to you?
The teachers, staff, and management are all really nice. Every incident and moment there feels like a memory to cherish. The support system, both academically and emotionally, is fantastic. The teachers treat us like younger siblings, making us feel comfortable and supported.

How did Apeejay influence your career choices?
My seniors, both in my family and at school, motivated me to pursue engineering. Seeing their success inspired me. I’m considering electronics or computer science as my branch. The guidance and support from the teachers at Apeejay played a significant role in shaping my career aspirations.

Did you participate in any extracurricular activities?
Yes, I was actively involved in sports like volleyball and basketball. Playing sports at school was a great experience and taught me valuable lessons of teamwork and discipline.

How did your experiences at Apeejay shape you as a person?
My time at Apeejay definitely transformed me. I used to be a bit of a bully, but the support and guidance from the teachers helped me change and become a better human being. The environment at Apeejay nurtured my growth and development.

What life skills did you gain from Apeejay?
More than academic skills, I learned important life skills and lessons that will help me in the future. One crucial lesson I learned at Apeejay is that no matter how bad things get, they will eventually improve. After a fall, there is always a rise.

Can you share a memorable incident from your time at Apeejay?
It’s hard to pinpoint just one incident because every moment at Apeejay was special. Whether it was a classroom lesson, a sports event, or a school function, each experience was memorable and contributed to my overall growth.

What advice would you give to current and future students of Apeejay?
I would advise them to fully embrace the opportunities and support available at Apeejay. The school provides a nurturing environment that helps in personal and academic growth. Make the most of your time there, and remember that every challenge you face is a step towards becoming a better version of yourself.

How did Apeejay prepare you for life after school?
Apeejay prepared me well for life after school by instilling strong academic foundations and essential life skills. The school’s holistic approach ensured that I was ready to face future challenges with confidence and resilience.

Any final thoughts on your experience at Apeejay?
My experience at Apeejay was truly transformative. The support, guidance, and opportunities I received there have been instrumental in shaping my personality and career. I will always cherish my time at Apeejay and am grateful for the role it played in my development.

Meet Mahima, a Correspondent at Apeejay Newsroom, and a seasoned writer with gigs at NDTV, News18, and SheThePeople. When she is not penning stories, she is surfing the web, dancing like nobody's watching, or lost in the pages of a good book. You can reach out to her at [email protected]
