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JEE Advanced 2024: Response sheet and answer key to be released



The Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT Madras) will release the response sheet for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced 2024 today, May 31. Candidates can download their response sheets from the official website —

In addition to the response sheets, the provisional answer keys for JEE Advanced 2024 will be made available on June 2. Candidates will have the opportunity to raise objections or challenges to the provisional answer keys until June 3. The final answer keys, incorporating any valid feedback from candidates, will be released on June 9.

How to Download the JEE Advanced 2024 Response Sheet

  1. Visit the Official Website: Go to
  2. Access the Response Sheet Link: Click on the link for the IIT JEE Advanced response sheet.
  3. View the Response Sheet: The response sheet will open as a PDF file.
  4. Download and Save: Download and save the PDF file to your device.

Provisional Answer Keys and Feedback

The provisional answer keys are preliminary and may be subject to change. These answer keys for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be displayed on the online portal. After the provisional answer keys are published, candidates can submit their feedback or objections through the candidate portal.

Final Answer Keys and Marks Awarding

After reviewing the feedback submitted by candidates, the final answer keys will be displayed on the official website. The final marks will be awarded based on these finalized answer keys. Here is the schedule for the key events:

  • May 31: Release of JEE Advanced 2024 response sheet.
  • June 2: Publication of provisional answer keys.
  • June 3: Deadline for submitting objections or feedback on the provisional answer keys.
  • June 9: Release of final answer keys.

Candidates are advised to regularly check the official JEE Advanced website for updates and to ensure they complete all necessary steps within the given timelines. For any further details or queries, visiting the official website is recommended.
