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Alumni Speak

‘I learnt respect and hard work from my teachers’

Apeejay School Pitampura alumnus urges present students to value school years as foundational to their lives



He was born and raised in Delhi, spending 21 years of his life here. He attended Apeejay School, Pitampura, where he had some of the most wonderful years of his life. He was an all-rounder, serving as the vice president of the theatre society at Apeejay. Meet Shivansh Harichandan, who went on to pursue his undergraduate degree in statistics at Hindu College, Delhi University, where he continued his passion for theatre and joined one of the most reputed university theatre societies founded by Mr Imtiaz Ali.

“I ranked seventh in my department. I aspired to combine my interest in data sciences with decision-making for big businesses in a leadership role, which led me to plan my MBA. I am at present, at IIM Lucknow, having recently completed my first year in the postgraduate programme in Business Administration. I interned at Splash Landmark Group in Dubai as a strategy intern, working as an in-house consultant to solve real business problems,” he shared.

In an email interview, Shivansh talked about his school days as a spirited backbencher.

What took you to Dubai – your professional journey?

Coming to Dubai was an organic development. At IIM Lucknow, I wanted to explore strategy and consultant roles, and an internship opportunity in Dubai came up, which I seized eagerly. At just 22, I’m a fresher straight out of college, pursuing my MBA to gain corporate exposure. Working with my father on our business also motivated me to further my education. I am still figuring out which industries and roles to pursue, and consulting is one option that can help me decide what I truly like and want to pursue.

What did a typical workday look like for you I Dubai?

As an intern, my workday was straightforward. I would leave my hotel and reach the office by 9:30 am. My day involved working on my project, collaborating with various teams, understanding the company’s challenges, and identifying solutions. I had lunch at one, followed by a meeting with my mentors and the head of strategy at two, where we discussed my progress. My day would typically end around six in the evening, after which I had the evening for myself.

Take us through your journey as a spirited backbencher.

Throughout my school life, I preferred sitting on the back benches, enjoying the company of friends, and engaging in fun and mischief. Despite being academically excellent, I loved making everyone laugh and enjoyed being the funny kid in class. This helped me maintain a balance between studies and enjoyment, making my school days memorable.

Highlight your achievements at Apeejay School, Pitampura.

I consistently ranked among the top students from classes VI to XII. I achieved outstanding percentages in my class X and XII Board exams thanks to my teachers. I won the Times NIE Think and Learn Challenge, ranking first out of 2.5 lakh students in Delhi. I was also a silver medalist in Taekwondo at the state level and won numerous interschool competitions, bringing accolades to my school.

Life skills you learnt from the teachers here that are coming in handy today.

Two crucial skills I learnt from my teachers at Apeejay are respect and hard work. Respecting others, whether colleagues, seniors, or juniors, is essential in the corporate world. Hard work is the key to success, as there are no shortcuts. My teachers instilled in me the importance of being the best version of myself through dedication and effort.

Share some fond memories from school days.

My fondest memories from school involve the time spent with friends, who are still an essential part of my life. I recall sharing bus rides, participating in the Silver Jubilee celebration, and enjoying the annual day preparations. Moments like these, along with everyday activities such as recess, canteen visits, and school trips, are cherished memories that have shaped me.

You are passionate about theatre. Do you still perform on stage? If you can elaborate.

Theatre has always been a passion for me, rooted in my school days where I participated in numerous competitions and activities. In college, I won national-level competitions and served as the vice president of the dramatic society at Hindu College. Though my MBA demands much of my time, I still find opportunities to bring my theatrical skills into presentations and work situations, adding a unique flair to my interactions.

What inspiration should the present Apeejayites take from your journey at the school?

To all my juniors at Apeejay, cherish these years as they are the building blocks of your life. Take inspiration from my story but remember, it’s your life and your choices that will define your journey. Be true to yourself, pursue what you love, and don’t be afraid to take unconventional paths. Hard work, respect, and passion will guide you to success. Write your own story and embrace every moment of it.

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Shalini is an Executive Editor with Apeejay Newsroom. With a PG Diploma in Business Management and Industrial Administration and an MA in Mass Communication, she was a former Associate Editor with News9live. She has worked on varied topics - from news-based to feature articles.
