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How to teach kids conflict resolution skills

When your child successfully resolves a conflict, praise their effort and the strategies they used



Whether it’s a squabble over toys or a disagreement about rules, conflicts are bound to happen. Teaching kids how to resolve conflicts is one of the most valuable lessons we can impart as parents. It not only helps them navigate the inevitable disagreements they will encounter in childhood but also equips them with essential life skills for adulthood.

Here, we’ll explore various strategies and tips for teaching conflict resolution, ensuring the process is both educational and engaging.

Modelling Behaviour

Kids learn a great deal by observing the adults around them. As parents, our reactions to conflicts set a precedent. If we handle disagreements with calm and constructive dialogue, children are more likely to mimic this behaviour.

Next time you find yourself in a disagreement, especially with your partner or another family member, try to resolve it calmly in front of your child. Explain the situation and the steps you’re taking to resolve it.

Encouraging Open Communication

One of the key elements of conflict resolution is communication. Encourage your kids to express their feelings and thoughts openly. This helps them understand their emotions and learn to articulate their needs and concerns.

Introduce a “Feelings Journal” where your child can write or draw how they feel about certain situations. This can be a starting point for discussing conflicts and understanding their emotions better.

Teaching Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It’s a crucial part of resolving conflicts because it allows kids to see the situation from someone else’s perspective.

Role-playing different scenarios can be a fun and effective way to teach empathy. For instance, act out a situation where one child takes a toy from another. Discuss how each child feels and why. Ask questions like, “How do you think it felt for your friend when you took the toy?” This helps children consider others’ feelings and reactions.

Encouraging Problem-Solving

Teach your kids to be problem solvers. When a conflict arises, guide them through the process of finding a solution rather than stepping in to solve it for them.

Steps for Problem-Solving:

  1. Identify the Problem: Encourage them to articulate what the issue is.
  2. Brainstorm Solutions: Ask them to think of different ways to resolve the conflict.
  3. Evaluate Solutions: Discuss the pros and cons of each option.
  4. Agree on a Solution: Help them choose the best solution and agree to try it.

For example, if siblings are fighting over screen time, help them come up with a fair schedule that works for both.

Reinforcing Positive Behavior

Positive reinforcement can go a long way in encouraging good behaviour. When your child successfully resolves a conflict, praise their effort and the strategies they used.

Example: “I noticed how you and your friend decided to take turns with the game. That was a great way to solve the problem and make sure both of you got a chance to play.”

Learning Through Stories

Stories can be powerful tools for teaching conflict resolution. Many children’s books address themes of empathy, cooperation, and problem-solving.

Recommendation: Books like “The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight” by Stan and Jan Berenstain or “Enemy Pie” by Derek Munson can provide relatable scenarios for kids. Discuss the story afterward, focusing on how the characters resolved their conflicts and what your child can learn from it.

Teaching kids conflict resolution skills is more than just helping them get along with others. It’s about nurturing empathy, communication, and problem-solving abilities that will benefit them throughout their lives.
