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Honouring a Visionary: Remembering Dr Stya Paul on his 14th punya tithi

The commemoration at Apeejay School, Rama Mandi began with a prayer meeting as heartfelt tributes poured in



June 7, 2024, marked a day of solemn remembrance at Apeejay School, Rama Mandi, Jalandhar. The school community gathered to pay tribute to Dr Stya Paul, the Founder-chairman of Apeejay Education, on his 14th punya tithi. The event, graced with the blessings of Mrs Sushma Paul Berlia, Chairman, Apeejay Stya & Svran Group, Chancellor Apeejay Stya University and Chairman, Apeejay Education was imbued with deep respect, reflection, and reverence.

The commemoration began with a prayer meeting led by the school’s Principal, Vice-principal, and the teaching and administrative staff. Heartfelt tributes poured in, each sharing reflections on the values and visions imparted by Dr Stya Paul. The serene setting was further elevated by the soulful rendition of Dr Stya Paul’s favorite bhajans, performed by the school’s Music Teacher, Ms Nidhi Sharma. Her melodies resonated through the halls, creating an ethereal atmosphere that allowed everyone to reflect deeply on the profound impact Dr Stya Paul had on their lives and the legacy of the Apeejay institutes.

Insights from the Leadership

Principal Mr AK Sharma shared a compelling address, painting a vivid picture of Dr Paul’s journey and his indelible mark on the community. He highlighted Dr Stya Paul’s visionary leadership and his straightforward yet impactful approach to life, which has endeared him to generations within the Apeejay family. Mr Sharma emphasised the importance of upholding the values and principles that Dr Stya Paul espoused, urging the school’s staff to embody these ideals in their pursuit of excellence.

As the event unfolded, students actively participated, showcasing projects and presentations inspired by Dr Stya Paul’s life and his educational philosophy. These activities not only enriched their understanding but also connected them with the enduring values of their Founder-chairman. This involvement of the younger generation underscored the ongoing influence of Dr Paul’s teachings on contemporary education and character formation. The commitment to his legacy was palpable, as students pledged to embody the values they had learned throughout the ceremony.

Continued Reflection and Action

Following the formal proceedings, the event transitioned into a series of interactive workshops for students and staff. These sessions focused on the practical application of Dr Stya Paul’s principles in daily life and academics. Participants engaged in discussions on ethical leadership, resilience, and innovation, which are core to Dr Stya Paul’s philosophy. This not only honored his memory but also ensured that his teachings continue to inspire and lead change within the Apeejay community.

A Legacy That Inspires

The homage paid not only honoured the memory of Dr Stya Paul but also reinforced the commitment of Apeejay School, Rama Mandi, to perpetuate his visionary ideals. It served as a poignant reminder of the enduring values and the dynamic vision that continue to guide Apeejay Education toward greatness.

Shalini is an Executive Editor with Apeejay Newsroom. With a PG Diploma in Business Management and Industrial Administration and an MA in Mass Communication, she was a former Associate Editor with News9live. She has worked on varied topics - from news-based to feature articles.
