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Artificial Intelligence

Healthcare professionals embrace AI for personalised medical education



A recent survey conducted by MedAll and CMI Media Group highlights healthcare professionals’ strong interest in leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance medical education. Out of 1,000 respondents, over half expressed enthusiasm about AI’s potential to revolutionise learning experiences through personalised content and video summaries. The survey revealed that nearly two-thirds of healthcare professionals have already integrated AI into their personal lives, with almost half utilising AI tools in their professional settings, where ChatGPT emerged as the most widely adopted AI technology.

Despite some skepticism, with 20% expressing mistrust and 46% undecided about AI, a majority (56%) foresee positive impacts on their learning processes. Respondents identified specific applications they desired for AI in medical education, with 23% prioritising AI-generated summaries of educational videos and significant interest in AI-generated summaries of journal articles. Another 17% favored AI-powered recommendations for further reading, underscoring a collective need for tools that streamline access to and consumption of educational materials.

Regarding educational formats, live webinars topped the list of impactful learning tools, favored by nearly 24% of respondents for their interactive Q&A sessions with experts. In contrast, pharmaceutical company educational content ranked significantly lower, with only 0.3% of HCPs finding it impactful, positioning it as the least favored format alongside pharmaceutical websites.

The survey’s implications suggest opportunities for pharmaceutical marketers to integrate AI-powered tools that personalise engagements with healthcare professionals, potentially reshaping how information is disseminated and consumed in the medical field. However, the data also highlights varying degrees of resistance to pharmaceutical content, signaling a complex landscape where personalised, efficient educational tools could significantly influence engagement and learning outcomes among healthcare professionals.
