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‘Every observation is an inspiration for your next article’

Alumna of Apeejay Institute of Mass Communication Anjali Datt shares what encouraged her to pursue career in creative writing



An introvert and a keen observer, Anjali Datt is currently exploring the world of brands and what goes behind making just a brand, a BRAND. An alumna of Apeejay Institute of Mass Communication (AIMC), she is working professionally as a Copywriting Intern. In her new role, Anjali is  looking forward to learning and polishing her art of creative writing every day with the help of the expertise of her seniors and mentors at AIMC. In a quick conversation, Anjali shares her journey and learnings at AIMC. 

Read edited excerpts: 

Did you always aspire to work in this sector? How did you prepare for the same?

What can be a  better expression of your emotions than your words! You write what you feel and I guess that’s how most of the best pieces are crafted. Writing was something I was doing as a hobby, I never thought I could do it professionally, but well, AIMC gave me a mentor who suggested that I would go for writing. So, Thank you so much Mudita ma’am for suggesting this.

Now I feel I can write not just for me but for brands. To do better, I have started reading books, taking a closer look at social media posts related to writing and started observing things around me (especially the ads) more keenly than ever before. Because every observation is an inspiration for your next piece.

What was your preparation strategy to crack placements?

I was always sure about getting into the creative department in an advertising agency. So my preparation to crack the placements involved working on my skills everyday and knowing the basics of the industry. Well, that worked well for me I guess.

How did professors at AIMC groom you for the placement process?

All the professors at AIMC have immense industry experience and that’s what helps in getting an idea of the industry before we actually get into it. Moreover, before every campus visit, there are discussions with the professors that help in understanding an organisation better and figuring out whether it is suitable for you not. Besides, regular mock interviews are also conducted which strengthens one’s preparation for the actual D-day.

What skills did you develop in AIMC and how did these help you crack the job interview?

Being able to deliver your thoughts and ideas clearly and being confident while you do so are the two major skills that AIMC helped me with, along with the professional skills needed as a copywriter. The habit of analysing each and every advertisement that we see is another skill that I learned at AIMC and that’s the biggest achievement that helped me crack my interview.

Where do you see yourself in the coming 5 years?

In the next 5 years, I hope I’ll be working at a senior position in the copywriting department of an advertising agency with a portfolio including a lot of good work I’ll do in the span of this half a decade.

Harshita is Assistant Editor at Apeejay Newsroom. With experience in both the Media and Public Relations (PR) world, she has worked with Careers360, India Today and Value360 Communications. A learner by nature, she is a foodie, traveller and believes in having a healthy work-life balance.
