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Artificial Intelligence

Survey shows drop in AI tool usage amid quality and ethical concerns



A recent survey by Epidemic Sound, titled Future of the Creator Economy, has revealed a decline in the use of AI tools among content creators in 2024. The survey involved 1,500 creators who monetise their work on platforms like YouTube, podcasts, and social media. While 84% of creators still use AI tools, the report shows a significant drop in the usage of specific AI technologies compared to 2023.

The use of image or video recognition software fell from 64.9% in 2023 to 46.5% in 2024. Automated transcription tools saw a decrease from 57.4% to 32.8%, and chatbots usage dropped from 55.6% to 32.2%.

This decline is attributed to several concerns among creators. Nearly half of those surveyed expressed worries about the quality of AI-generated content. Issues of originality and plagiarism were also significant, with 38.5% and 33% of creators, respectively, voicing these concerns. Additionally, 28.7% were apprehensive about the ethical implications of AI, such as data privacy and proper crediting.

Creators highlighted various issues leading to reduced reliance on AI. Problems with accuracy, bias, and online security were common, with one creator noting that using AI for content design was more time-consuming than creating ideas independently. Another creator mentioned limiting AI tools like ChatGPT to administrative tasks, avoiding creative uses.

The shift in AI tool usage is also impacting jobs in creative fields. A production company head mentioned that many workers now refine AI-generated work, resulting in fewer job hours. Some creators, particularly from underrepresented groups, feel that AI tools lack diversity, affecting inclusivity and relevance.

This shift underscores a significant change in the perception and use of digital tools in the creative industry, as creators strive to balance innovation with authenticity and ethical considerations.
