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 An enriching journey of learning interior designing 

Apeejay Institute of Design’s interior design program features a comprehensive curriculum and hands-on training



The Interior Design program at the Apeejay of Interior Design (AID) offers an enriching and transformative experience, shaping young aspirants into skilled and confident professionals. This program features a comprehensive curriculum and hands-on workshops designed to impart a robust set of skills and knowledge necessary for success in the field of interior design.

A core component of the program is its thorough exploration of fundamental design principles. Students develop a strong understanding of space planning, which involves the strategic use of space to enhance functionality and aesthetics. Through detailed study and practice, students learn to optimise layouts to suit various needs and preferences. Color theory is another critical area covered, where students explore the impact of color on mood, perception, and spatial dynamics. This knowledge empowers them to create harmonious and visually appealing environments. Material selection, another essential aspect, involves choosing appropriate materials based on durability, aesthetics, and functionality. Mastery of these principles enables students to create spaces that are both beautiful and practical.

Practical assignments are a cornerstone of the program, preparing students for real-world professional environments. These assignments simulate client interactions, allowing students to practice effective communication and understand client needs and preferences. Additionally, students engage in project management exercises, learning to oversee design projects from conception to completion. This includes managing budgets, timelines, and resources, as well as collaborating with contractors and other professionals. Teamwork is emphasised, as many projects require collaborative effort and the ability to work well with others. These experiences equip students with the skills needed to navigate the complexities of professional practice.

The program also places a strong emphasis on innovative thinking and problem-solving. Workshops and 3D modeling sessions encourage students to approach design challenges creatively and effectively. By working on real-world scenarios and using advanced tools, students develop the ability to think outside the box and devise unique solutions to design problems. These hands-on experiences are invaluable in fostering a mindset of innovation and adaptability, which are crucial in the ever-evolving field of interior design.

The impact of AID’s Interior Design program is best illustrated by the transformation of its students. The program plays an instrumental role in turning design aspirants into confident design professionals. It not only boosts their technical capabilities but also enhances their confidence, preparing them to make a significant mark in the interior design industry.

A student of AID Faizal Saifi shared his positive experience at the institute, highlighting the high-quality education and training he received. “My overall experience at AID was quite positive. The education and training I received were of the highest quality and have been instrumental in my career building. I am deeply grateful for the support and guidance from the faculty and highly recommend AID to anyone passionate about pursuing a career in interior design,” he said. Faizal further emphasised that AID not only equipped him with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the industry but also instilled in him the confidence to venture into his own business. He expressed his gratitude by stating, “I wholeheartedly thank AID for enhancing me as an interior design aspirant.”

In summary, the Interior Design program at AID is a comprehensive and transformative journey that equips students with the essential skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to excel in the interior design industry. Through a blend of theoretical education, practical experience, and innovative thinking, AID prepares its students to become capable and successful design professionals, ready to take on the challenges and opportunities of the field.
