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AI-powered education: Unlocking the potential of personalised learning

Learning can be made more fun and engaging and help students to remain motivated



Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a hot topic in recent years, with many people predicting that it will have a major impact on our lives. Over the years, there have been significant advancements in machine learning algorithms, computing power, and data processing capabilities. This has enabled the development of more sophisticated AI models that can perform tasks with higher accuracy and efficiency.

The digital age has generated an enormous amount of data, often referred to as “big data.” AI thrives on data, and the availability of large datasets has empowered AI systems to learn and make predictions with improved accuracy.

Also, the development of powerful hardware, including Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and specialised AI accelerators, has accelerated the training and deployment of complex AI models. This has made it feasible to process and analyse vast amounts of data in real-time. This means that AI can be used in any sector and field today including education.

How is AI revolutionarising education?

A major impact that AI has had in education is that it can be used to create personalised learning experiences for each student. This means that students can learn at their own pace and in a way that is tailored to their individual needs and interests. AI can be used to adapt the difficulty of instruction to each student’s level of understanding. This means that students are not forced to struggle with material that is too difficult, and they are not bored by material that is too easy.

Another advantage is that AI can be used to gamify learning, making it more fun and engaging for students. This can help students stay motivated and engaged in their studies. AI can be used to create virtual assistants that can help students with their studies. These assistants can answer questions, provide feedback, and track progress.

Did you know that AI can also be used to automate assessment, freeing up teachers’ time so they can focus on other tasks? AI can also be used to provide more personalised feedback to students. But a big concern that is facing the education sector is: Will AI replace teachers?

Human interaction and guidance to continue

There is no doubt that AI is having a major impact on education, but it is unlikely to replace teachers anytime soon. Teachers are still essential for providing human interaction and guidance to students. However, AI can be a valuable tool for teachers, helping them to provide more personalized and effective instruction.

AI to the students’ rescue

Personalised learning: AI-powered educational platforms can adapt to each student’s learning pace, style, and preferences. By analysing student performance and interactions, AI systems can provide customized learning pathways, suggesting appropriate resources and exercises that match individual needs. This personalized approach helps students grasp concepts more effectively and stay engaged.

Immediate feedback and assessment: AI can provide instant feedback on assignments, quizzes, and tests. This timely feedback allows students to understand their mistakes, learn from them, and make necessary corrections quickly. It also enables educators to identify areas where students are struggling and provide targeted support.

Enriched learning materials: AI can assist in generating and curating educational content. By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI systems can create interactive simulations, virtual labs, and engaging multimedia materials that cater to different learning styles. This diversification of learning resources enriches the learning process and makes it more engaging.

Advanced tutoring and assistance: AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants can provide on-demand tutoring and support. Students can ask questions, seek clarification, or get assistance with homework, even outside of regular class hours. These AI tools can reinforce classroom learning and help students overcome challenges in real-time.

Data-driven insights for educators: AI can analyse student performance data and provide educators with insights into individual and class-wide learning trends. This helps teachers identify struggling students, adjust teaching strategies, and offer targeted interventions to ensure every student’s success.

These benefits collectively enhance the quality of education, making it more engaging, adaptive, and effective for students of diverse learning abilities and backgrounds. 

Shalini is an Executive Editor with Apeejay Newsroom. With a PG Diploma in Business Management and Industrial Administration and an MA in Mass Communication, she was a former Associate Editor with News9live. She has worked on varied topics - from news-based to feature articles.
