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A journey of reincarnation



There was a boy named Karan. He was on his way home when something terrible happened—he met a fatal car accident. The doctors did their best to save him, but unfortunately he passed away. That’s when a stranger appeared, and they began to talk.

Confused, Karan asked, “What happened? Where am I?”

The stranger in front of him replied, “Unfortunately, you died. But don’t worry, everyone comes to this place.”

Looking around at the empty surroundings, he wondered, “What is this place? Is it heaven or hell?”

“It’s neither,” the stranger answered. “You’re going to be reincarnated.”

Surprised, Karan exclaimed, “So the concept of reincarnation exists?”

“Yes, it does,” the stranger confirmed.

Concerned about his memories, Karan asked, “What will happen to my memories? Will they disappear, and will I start fresh like a baby?”

“No, your past memories will stay with you, but you won’t be able to access them easily. Only through deep meditation you can unlock those memories,” the stranger explained.

Curious about his previous lives, Karan wondered, “How many times have I been reincarnated?”

“A lot of times,” the stranger replied. “This time, you’ll be born as a Chinese woman in 200 BCE.”

Confused and shocked, Karan stammered, “Wait… what?”

“I’m sending you back in time,” the stranger clarified. “Time is different where I come from.”

Not fully understanding, Karan asked, “Where do you come from?”

“It’s hard to explain,” the stranger said, knowing it might be difficult for Karan to grasp.

Disappointed, Karan sighed, “Oh…”

After thinking for some time, he asked, “But wait, if I’ve been reincarnated many times, does that mean I could have met myself in a past life?”

“Yes, it’s possible,” the stranger confirmed. “You might have encountered yourself, but you won’t remember it because you only know about your current life.”

Seeking the meaning of life and the universe, Karan questioned, “Then why does all this happen? What’s the purpose?”

“I created this universe to help you grow and mature,” the stranger answered. “You’re like a baby now, but someday, after all your reincarnations, you’ll become more enlightened.”

“You mean, I’ll become a God?” Karan asked.

“Not exactly. You’re still learning and evolving. Becoming like me means reaching a higher state of being,” the stranger clarified.

With that, the stranger sent Karan on his way, leaving him to contemplate the profound journey that lay ahead.
