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Aspiring personal qualities: Insights from friends on shaping character



By: Ahana Vermani

Our personality is shaped by our actions, not just our words. People worldwide possess unique
personality traits that define them. Sometimes, we encounter individuals with admirable qualities, prompting us to reflect on our own traits. I conducted interviews with my friends to explore the one quality they admire and aspire to develop in their personalities. Here are some insights shared by my friends:

  1. Gayatri Puntambekar – Ability to judge:
    Perspective: Gayatri aims to enhance her ability to judge as she believes that assessing different situations and people can be challenging.
    Reasoning: Developing a keen sense of judgment would facilitate better decision-making, aiding her in choosing the right friends and understanding people more effectively.
  2. Samhita Rengarajan – Empathetic:
    Perspective: Samhita desires to cultivate empathy, defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of others.
    Reasoning: She believes that by understanding what others are going through, we can instantly show them sympathy or provide the necessary support, offering comfort and connection.

The insights from my friends highlight the diversity of qualities people value for personal development. Whether it’s the ability to judge for informed decision-making or cultivating empathy for deeper connections, each individual’s perspective offers valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of human personality.
