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Highlighting the Importance of Sharing



I have learned that sharing can be the quality that makes or breaks life. When random people walk by and see us eating, we ask them if they would like something to eat. Sharing food shows openness and friendliness about us.

Everyone at one point in life has been or will be put in a situation where sharing is involved. It may be some time at the office where you need to share ideas to work with people and make a certain vision come true.

But after the situation, whether you did share or kept to yourself you realize sharing would have made things better and easier.

I believe if everyone just took a little of what they have and shared it with the next person, no one would ever be in actual need of anything.

It may be difficult to change yourself into a sharing person, but it is worth it and will pay off in the end. It can bring new relationships and a sense of helpfulness to a person. I believe in sharing.

Helping others when they have nothing- and- you have something. Many people these days have so much of one thing and don’t like to share it with anyone. Not even a little bit. When there are others all around the world who don’t have anything at all. Not even a little bit.

Do they think that they are more important because they have more than others?

That’s why I believe in sharing. Because like they say, “Caring is sharing.” People out there want something, and you hog it so no one can have anything.

I think it makes a person just simply: ugly. Just for the simple reason that they can’t share. People may say that is not even a big deal. “He didn’t want to give me any soda because he said he was really thirsty.” Like are u really that thirsty that you can’t give someone a little sip? I mean they aren’t going to take the whole thing away.

I believe in sharing because when you die, you’re not going to take anything with you so why not share? I mean we all come to a point when we have to leave this world and who knows what happens next? So that life; you are born and then you die. So why hog everything and give none to others? I mean when you’re lying in that box, you’re not going to be able to take everything that you loved. You have to leave things and nothing forever! So why can’t we just share?

And this I believe.

I believe in the power of sharing. The power of one individual to influence the lives of others, by simply acting selfless.

We have the power to impact someone’s life by simply giving more than we expect to receive in return. From an early age, the simple idea of sharing has been embedded in our minds. Share our toys. Share our crayons. Share the snacks. Sharing means carrying as the universal icon Barney would say. I believe every human being can give and contribute something to the world, however small the deed, yet something holds us back. Greed.

I believe humans love the idea of sharing more than they love to share. We root for sharing, support sharing, and encourage our peers, but we fail to do it ourselves. Looking away from others in need, we isolate ourselves from one another, too preoccupied with our troubles and wants. I believe that to expect one to share, we must be willing to give something back in return.

Most of my memories from third grade have faded over the past several years, but I have yet to forget the look on Danny’s face. Such a simple deed made him so happy. I believe that by sharing we have the power to brighten their day, and I believe everyone should experience this power.

Imagine if only for a moment everyone shared. There would be no such thing as starvation of people having no place to sleep. Everyone would have everything they needed. No one would ever lose a son or daughter or a mother just because they couldn’t afford their medication.

I believe there is more to sharing than just giving material objects like money clothes or food. I also believe in sharing ideas and thoughts. Imagine how much faster the computer would have been invented if every idea were only heard and considered.

I believe in sharing dreams and aspirations. Have you ever thought of how much more a dream would mean once it came true if you were sharing it with someone else? Who would ever want to go to Disneyland alone?

Sharing is what I believe, and it all came to me when I was a child. I was taught to share by the people who mean the most to me. My mom and dad have always taught me to share whether it was a jellybean or just lending my time to listen to someone who needs to be heard. If there were one thing I would share with them, if I could share no other would be my life.
