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‘Apeejay School instilled in me a strong work ethic and commitment to excellence’

Discover how Apeejay School, Nerul nurtured this alumna into a disciplined achiever, paving her path to a dual degree and a career in pharmaceutical regulatory affairs



At Apeejay School, Nerul, students like Sanskriti Singh are not just educated; they are groomed into future-ready individuals equipped with discipline and a passion for excellence. Sanskriti, an alumna from the 2017 batch, shares her transformative journey from school to pursuing an integrated MPharm-MBA program at NMIMS and preparing to embark on a career in pharmaceutical management as a Consultant at Freyr Global Regulatory Solutions and Services. Here’s a closer look into her experiences and insights gained at Apeejay School and beyond.

Read edited excerpts:

Sanskriti, having spent your entire schooling journey at Apeejay School, how did the school environment contribute to your personal growth and aspirations?
Apeejay School provided a nurturing environment where academic rigour was complemented by holistic development. From inculcating discipline to fostering a spirit of inquiry through projects and clubs, the school laid a robust foundation for my future endeavours. The teachers, in particular, played a pivotal role in shaping my values and instilling a curiosity for learning that continues to drive me today.

You mentioned being actively involved in clubs like yoga, stargasing, and the interact club. How did these extracurricular activities influence your personal and professional development?
These clubs offered more than just extracurricular engagement; they provided opportunities for practical learning and community service. The yoga club taught me discipline and mindfulness, while the stargazing club nurtured my scientific curiosity. Serving as the joint secretary of the Interact club instilled in me a passion for philanthropy and community outreach, which continues to shape my values and approach towards leadership.

Transitioning from school to an integrated MPharm-MBA program at NMIMS is quite a leap. How did your academic journey at Apeejay School prepare you for the challenges of higher education?
Apeejay School’s academic curriculum and emphasis on project-based learning were instrumental in preparing me for the academic challenges at NMIMS. The school’s approach fostered critical thinking, research skills, and time management—all essential for juggling the demands of dual degrees. Moreover, the supportive ecosystem at Apeejay instilled confidence in tackling new challenges and adapting to diverse learning environments.

Could you elaborate on the role of Apeejay School in shaping your career aspirations in the pharmaceutical sector?
Apeejay School’s strong emphasis on biology and the nurturing environment of its science faculty, fueled my interest in pharmaceutical sciences. The exposure to practical projects and interactions with industry-experienced teachers helped me understand the practical applications of theoretical knowledge. This foundation not only sparked my interest but also guided my career path towards pharmaceutical regulatory affairs and management.

Managing an integrated MPharm-MBA program sounds demanding. What were some of the key challenges you faced during this academic journey, and how did you overcome them?
Balancing the rigorous coursework of both MPharm and MBA programs within a condensed timeframe was indeed challenging. The integration of theoretical learning with practical projects and internships demanded meticulous planning and prioritisation. However, the structured approach and project management skills honed at Apeejay School enabled me to navigate these challenges effectively. Discipline, perseverance, and seeking guidance from mentors were crucial in maintaining focus and achieving academic success.

As you prepare to join Freyr Global Regulatory Solutions and Services, what aspects of your education do you feel have prepared you the most for the professional world?
The comprehensive education at Apeejay School and NMIMS equipped me with a blend of technical expertise in pharmaceuticals and strategic management skills. The emphasis on research, analytical thinking, and effective communication has been invaluable in preparing me for the dynamic and demanding environment of pharmaceutical regulatory affairs. These skills not only enhance my professional competence but also empower me to contribute meaningfully to the industry from day one.

Looking back, how do you think Apeejay School’s teachings and values have differentiated your approach to academics and career development compared to your peers?
Apeejay School instilled in me a strong work ethic, a commitment to excellence, and a passion for continuous learning. These values differentiate my approach by emphasising holistic development, ethical leadership, and a deep-rooted understanding of industry dynamics. The school’s focus on character building alongside academic achievement has shaped my perspective on success, emphasising integrity, resilience, and empathy in professional endeavours.

What advice would you give to current students at Apeejay School who aspire to pursue a career path similar to yours?
I would encourage them to embrace every opportunity for learning and growth, both inside and outside the classroom. Cultivate a passion for inquiry, take initiative in extracurricular activities, and build strong relationships with mentors who can guide and inspire. Most importantly, maintain a balance between academic rigour and personal development, as these experiences will shape not only your career path but also your journey towards becoming a well-rounded individual.

Lastly, what motivates you personally and professionally, and how do you envision your future in the pharmaceutical consulting sector?
Personally, my motivation stems from a passion for contributing to healthcare solutions and making a positive impact on society. Professionally, I am driven by the challenge of navigating complex regulatory landscapes and leveraging my skills to enhance operational efficiencies in pharmaceutical consulting. In the future, I aspire to lead initiatives that drive innovation, ethical practices, and sustainable growth in the global pharmaceutical industry.

Meet Mahima, a Correspondent at Apeejay Newsroom, and a seasoned writer with gigs at NDTV, News18, and SheThePeople. When she is not penning stories, she is surfing the web, dancing like nobody's watching, or lost in the pages of a good book. You can reach out to her at [email protected]
