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Alumni Speak

‘My college taught me valuable life lessons’

The alumna from ACFA says that the institute helped her believe in her art form



She croons and melts hearts! Her super power lies in finding way to your heart with her magical voice. Meet Saaz Malhotra who passed out of Apeejay College of Fine Arts (ACFA). In a candid interview, this crooner shares about her journey in devotional music and golden memories at Apeejay. 

In a candid conversation, she shares a few nostalgic memories from ACFA.

What are you doing professionally now?

I am a professional singer, performer and a songwriter. I am at present, enjoying healing and uplifting people with my devotional music. My music albums are available on YouTube and all audio platforms. I am also conduction meditation sessions for people. My husband, Dr Prakhar Dagar and I are the only Indian married couple to get couples married with Vedic chants through conducting ‘musical phera‘. Last year, I was awarded as the Best Female Voice in Devotional Category. So, yes, life is great. 

What and who has been your inspiration?

My mother played a huge role in making me what I am today. In school I spent most of my time in the music room practicing and learning. It was so much fun to be around the best music faculty who themselves Apeejay college pass outs! In school I also recorded my first album Unplugged Devotion which was released and produced by our school itself.

Share a few nostalgic memories from Apeejay? 

Apeejay has given me some really good memories. My favourite ones are from the times when we used to practice for our youth festival performances. All the moments when we jumped out of our comfort zones pushed ourselves a little hard to bring laurels to our lovely college and make it win on national level. 

I remember one day I was feeling nervous practising in the music room for my western solo performance a month before youth festival. I was sent to the auditorium and asked to practice there daily as much as I could to gain confidence on stage to perform that song. And kudos it did the job and made me the national winner. 

The importance of hard work! The best thing Apeejay taught me. 

How were the teachers at Apeejay?

I never felt I was amongst teachers in Apeejay. I always felt I had best friends in the form of teachers who were always so cooperative, understanding and caring. I had my best time of life polishing my singing skills , brushing up my knowledge while having fun. Nothing is a burden at Apeejay. All thanks to our lovely teachers. 

What is goal?

To heal, help, and make people smile. I want people to feel all the emotions deeply through my voice. I want to impact and improve each and every life on this planet with my music. 

Any message for the students of ACFA.

Just like I always say: Dream, Dare and Do. That is what I want to convey to all my fellow friends. Dream how ever big you want to dream, dare to take risks and steps to achieve that! And do your hard work with pin pointed focus! Nothing can stop you!

Your advice for future singers and lyricists.  

Believe in your art that is how others will love it too. Most importantly do not compare your journey and your achievements to others, be your own competition. Stay humble , grateful and keep grinding. 

How did Apeejay help you hone your skills?

Whatever I learnt at school was beautifully polished here at ACFA. Thanks to the amazing music department of our college and the music faculty, , they taught me what riyaz actually meant. I learnt music is not just about winning fame and name or bringing laurels.

I learnt to respect my voice, the talent the blessing God had given me. I learnt to practice with discipline, learnt to not even eat or drink before my riyaz. That is the kind of respect our teachers inculcated in us for music and our voices. ‘Music is sacred and it’s a blessing that you can sing’ is the main thing I learnt here. 

With all the guidance I became a national winner for two consecutive years in the category of Hindustani Group Song, Western Vocal Solo and Western Group Song. I want to thank Apeejay for making me believe in myself and my art.

Anubha Singh is the Principal Correspondent with Apeejay Newsroom. Having a journalism and mass communication background, she has varied experience with renowned print publications like Hindustan Times, The Pioneer and Deccan Chronicle. Her niche expertise lies in reporting and content creation for different core areas. She can be reached at [email protected] for any communication.
